I am the blunt one here. I do know your pain to some degree. My brother is an alcoholic. He started drinking at age 12 at the neighbors and the dad over their helped him cover it up. He had a real problem well before age 14. He crashed and burned in his 30s. Somehow my mother blamed ME!!! Because I should have told her about it. She forgot all the times she grounded me or took things away or used other consequences when I told her he had a problem with drinking or that he was drunk or high.
So I really DO understand how hard this is. I just think you are doing more harm than good. You NEED to get to some Al-Anon meetings. You are watching your daughter die before your eyes. I know you think you are protecting her by not exposing her drinking. You think the criminal charges are the worst thing that could happen.
They. Are. Not.
Her drinking is killing her liver. Make sure she gets checked out by a doctor in the near future. If I were you I would tell her that she is to put you on ALL of her HIPPA forms at all of her doctors or else you will do the worst thing you can think of. Then I would tell her doctor that she drinks until she passes out each day and her liver MUST be checked. Don't EVER let her just stop cold turkey because that can be life threatening. She needs medical help to stop drinking at this point. It really is that bad. You need to know what shape her body is in.
Don't expect finding out her liver is in bad shape to shock her into any desire for sobriety. It almost never does. There was a young man at my brother's rehab who was taken to the hospital because his liver failed. He was 22. He had only started to drink at age 17. My brother told me it was the scariest thing he had ever seen, and it still didn't take away his desire to keep drinking. It barely even dented it. That was in his first couple of days at rehab, and it truly terrified him. He hadn't realized how out of control he was until then.
Your daughter will NEED consequences. Something to force her to stop drinking. It took some time in jail where he couldn't get alcohol, seeing a lot of guys he thought of as losers, guys he thought he was better than. Then going through alcohol withdrawal around those guys as he faced the prospect of years in a cell to make him realize how bad his problem is. I say IS because it didn't go away even though he has been sober for almost 2 decades. My brother was facing 3 felonies at the time. He was able to get a deal to go to rehab and stay sober for 5 years, stay out of trouble, and have his record expunged.
I know you are worried about her future with felonies on it, but if you don't do something, she won't have a future. A future with felonies, even a future in jail is better than no future at all, isn't it? Given that you are the injured party, if you first go to a lawyer, you should be able to work out a deal for your daughter. I would get a lawyer to represent YOU, not her. Let the lawyer know that you are wanting a deal for her that pushes her into rehab and will expunge her record IF she gets clean and stays clean and out of trouble for a certain number of years. He will know if the DA and judges will go for that.
You and your husband will NEED therapy and Al-Anon first (family therapy, not AA). You have to work on your codependence issues. Read the recommended books also. Really work HARD on those issues. Your daughter is 30% more likely to achieve long term sobriety if you and your husband go to AlAnon and work on codependence. If she was in school and could go from an F (58%) to a B(88%) on her report card just by having you attend a meeting once a week, would you have gone? If you knew that this grade change would have a huge impact on her life and her health, would you have gone? I bet you would have. So look at AlAnon this way.
I know several athiests in my community who attend AlAnon and two who go to AA. I have not asked them how they cope with the Higher power reference, mostly because it isn't my business. I do know that my brother was violently against any mention of God for any reason at any time. Then he realized he really needed sobriety in his life. He is now mostly against any type of organized Christianity. I think that is mostly because we attended a Catholic school as kids. He really enjoys the Mosque in our community and I know he goes to some Buddhist ceremonies also.
Please, for now, focus on reading those books and going to AlAnon. Go to 30 meetings in 30 days. Different times and places. This is just for the first month. It is designed so that you find out which meetings are most comfortable for you. Many people go to a meeting or two in one place and say "It isn't for me". They don't realize that each meeting has a different feel and dynamic. Even if the exact same words were spoken, having different people in the meeting would give it a different feel and a different energy. By going to different times and places, you find the meetings that are right for you and you meet different people in the AA/AlAnon community. Both of these are very valuable things.
I hope this helps. Please know that I understand how difficult the situation is. I understand how it can happen that suddenly you realize it is far worse than you thought and has gone on for far longer than you ever expected that it could go on. I know you would NEVER purposely harm your daughter and that you would give your life for hers if it would help. Sadly, this problem is one that only she can fix. It has infected the entire family though, and the entire family needs to be treated.
Oh, I suggest you cancel all of your credit cards and bank cards. Get a post office box and have new cards sent there. Put a lock on your bedroom door and keep it locked, and keep your cards either in your pocked or locked in the safe behind your locked bedroom door. Sadly, you are living with a thief and you need to lock up everything in the house. Don't let any financial papers be kept out of the safe or ever come to the mail at the house at any time. Make sure that you don't buy anything online so your daughter cannot use the computer to buy things with your credit card. Same for your phone. You will have to do this for as long as you allow her to live at home.