Suz --
I'm way ahead of you. We called the non-emergency police # first. The officer said that if we call in a theft of our car; whomever is driving the car will be picked up, arrested, and thrown in jail. Bail would be posted as well. That charge is a felony with a punishement of up to 5yrs in jail , $500 fine, and loss of drivers license. I'm glad I didn't call the police back right away. I gave my son an ultimatum to have the car back and he did come back.
If I had of jumped the gun, he would be facing a felony charge at present. If the car was missing overnight, etc -- then we would have been prepared to call. He DID call the treatment center and while he was out he talked to my sister. He wants to work, but is afraid I won't let him. If I threw him in jail, he would NEVER work again. I think the punishment would have not fit the crime if I jumped the gun. We will take it one day/fight at a time.
Thank you for all the replies. I have to be honest in that in reading others issues on this forum, only makes me more anxious and upset. I'm truly sorry that individuals here are going thru hell (like I am), but it doesn't give me any comfort -- it actually makes me go fifteen steps backward emotionally. I may post again; I may not. Please don't take offense. Everyone has to go thru their own trial and do things there own way.
At this juncture, I will NOT be wearing a fanny pack with my valuables, but I will keep my purse close at hand.
This is the first time my son has done any of this and it's because I FINALLY took a step to not let him do whatever he wants. I should have sent him to a Residential Treatment Center (RTC) when in H/S, but I wasn't ready emotionally. I just wanted to get him to graduate, and he did. I take the blame for not acting sooner when he was 17 or younger and now I'm paying the price.
It's the first time he's being held accountable for something and he's not liking it. Will it get worse, probably; however, this is the first time I made a step when we called the police to have him surrender the car keys yesterday. 3 weeks ago I would have just cried and curled up in to a ball and not done anything. Part of this is my fault for not doing this a long time ago. Now he's an 'adult' (which is riduculous -- this KID still ***** his thumb. He has such emotional issues that it's heartbreaking and I think he is struggling with identity issues as well as well as having some undiagnosed mental health issue).

I will do whatever is in my power to help.
In any case, thank you all and have a blessed day.