My husband told me on the phone to give him his game or phone back so he settled down. Then he said he had to get back to work. So upsetting he never deals with him. I can't seem to get the video to ever work.
While things are calm, start working on a safety plan. You are right - it's really hard to think fast enough when the situation is actually unfolding.I was so upset I couldn't think who to call
Wrap around came out. Interesting they suggested we distract him and use positive talk to redirect him. Try ignoring him. How stupid do they think we are? He is 14. We have tried everything under the sun! Ugh they said remove his internet. Look for sexual magazines or books. He is with me all the time when would he get these things? Only good thing they suggested is call 911 if he gets violent at us.
Pick your battles carefully right now.They are correct about the cussing at this point. So long as he isn't threatening you or his sibs, it's a non-issue compared to the other issues you have to deal with.