call 911
I'm saddened by the fact that you feel you must live by your choices. Choices are something that we can make minute to minute to improve or diminish our quality of life. While I think it's noble that you want to have a constant for Manster - I think it would be nice if YOU thought about a happier life for you.
I had to make some pretty hard decisions when I left my ex - as far as watching it "destroy" dude. But then I know NOW that had I not left - DUde would be JUST like him - because the behaviors our children witness us accepting will also be accepted in their lives. Something to think about when the words come out of your mouth that you're doing what you're doing for your son.
I too know your heart is heavy - For that my friend I am sorry. I just want you to know that you ALWAYS have choices. Individual counseling for living with an alcoholic is a choice.
Hugs & Love
I had to make some pretty hard decisions when I left my ex - as far as watching it "destroy" dude. But then I know NOW that had I not left - DUde would be JUST like him - because the behaviors our children witness us accepting will also be accepted in their lives. Something to think about when the words come out of your mouth that you're doing what you're doing for your son.
I too know your heart is heavy - For that my friend I am sorry. I just want you to know that you ALWAYS have choices. Individual counseling for living with an alcoholic is a choice.
Hugs & Love