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my son is getting ready to leave his public school to go to a theraputic boarding school. he has had at least 4-5 yrs of school decline and increaseing mood symptoms. It has been difficult to get heard by doctors and school. We have gotten nothing more than a 504 plan that has been poorly followed from both school districts we have been in. Initially we were very trusting in the school we were working with. We tried to manage the home side and let the natural concequences take their course at school. As time has gone on we have learned so much. clearly this is not enough, facts are not facts, unless the school says they are so. The most frustrating of all was when we went to our end of the year meeting to evalute the 504 to have the supervising teacher tell us she really didn't bother with it because she did not feel it was neccesary. Needless to say he failed that school year. We moved out of state that summer and worked diligently to make sure our new district was well aware of all that had been going on. They refused to even discuss his problems or registration until the end of summer. They advanced him to 11th grade allowing him to double up on classes dispite this previous years failure. This was an opportunity to start fresh with resonable expectations and they took it away. He had a 504 which they said they had 45 days to acknowledge. We had extensive neuropsychologist testing done and they made limited accomidations. We have been in weekly contact with teachers but none seem to understand the basis of the problem. His diagnosis is BiPolar (BP), ODD, ADHD. And now it appears he has a new diagnosis of a learning disability in reading. his IQ is in the 93% and his reading comp is in the 10%. they said this isn't enough to do any more. need less to say he has been getting f's since day 1. What do I need to know to fight the district for reimbursment and what am I likely to expect?