I know many of you have experience with therapists.
How do I go about picking a therapist?
If you live in a big city, I would go to Jewish Family Services. They serve anybody. They have a sliding scale. They have good people. I would ask for a licensed person who is a permanent employee. I would also not have a problem asking for the gender of person or even the age range, if it matters to you.
The other way to do it is to go through insurance. They will have a list. Some insurance companies have a place you can call. They have therapists on staff.
The important thing is to keep in your head that you are in charge. If it does not serve your needs within the first one or two times, cut them loose, and go to the next person. This is the mistake I always made. I got married to them. And then it got that I was afraid to hurt their feelings, etc.
The person here who really knows about this is SWOT. She has had excellent therapists and has transformed herself and her life through psychotherapy.
I would go into it with concrete ideas about what you want to change in your life. Concrete results you want.
There are mothers here who have gone to addiction specialists, people who actually help them to identify and enforce boundaries, and how to work with their kids. RN is one example.
I don't remember if you are spiritually oriented, but I have gotten a great deal of clarity and I have changed a great deal through spiritual direction. I speak with a Rabbi as often as I can. There are pastoral counselors, too. People that are both clergy and counselors.
I don't want to just have someone listen to my complaints, problems, short comings.
Me neither. That is like staying stuck in the problem. It is good that you know that. This might be one yardstick you can bring. You know what you don't want.
want advice on what to do.
I let people tell me what to do, and it is a mistake. I think here is the place to figure out what to do. And then once you have a range of options, I would use the therapist to prioritize them and to help you achieve them.
I never know what to do until the situation is desperate, and then I overreact. I ignore my needs and feelings until they explode. So. I had to face that even though I am a very emotional person, THAT I AM OUT OF TOUCH WITH MY FEELINGS. I don't know how to name them. I don't know how to listen to them. And I realized that I am this way because I had early trauma as a child, and I never learned how to do any of this. I was playing (at life) with half a deck. That I did not any longer want to be estranged from myself. Because this is where answers come from. From listening to ourselves. (And G-d, for those who are believers.) And I am going to a somatic experiencing therapist. Which is more focused on bodywork.
How is it that anybody else is going to know what you should do? Isn't it us that need to know, based upon our own feelings, knowledge and desires?
OK. I realize I am always asking what to do. I accept that. But I want to change.
The other possibility I am thinking about now, I am not sure if you have done this or want to, is Al Anon. This could be an adjunct to the therapist. Now I have been meaning to do this for, say, 9 years. I don't know what my problem is.
I need to know how, what steps to take to just let go, if that is what I should do.
When you say this I am thinking maybe an addiction specialist, which could be a regular therapist like a Marriage and Family Therapist, a Psychologist or Social Worker. Or it could be somebody who works only with addiction. My son went to somebody like this. She had a masters degree. I was not impressed and I ended up blowing up at her unfortunately and embarrassing myself. I am pretty sure that your son is using marijuana at least.
I think this kind of therapist would be more directive. As in, they would tell you what to do and not to do. You could find somebody like this at your County Mental Health in the Drug and Alcohol Department. They would have good people, I think. But I would not go to County Mental Health for a therapist. They would be both unlicensed and inexperienced. But I am sure that is just a prejudice. Because that is where I worked when I was unlicensed and inexperienced.
My Pilates teacher told me he went to a guy and was very pleased. He got very attached and he said it helped him a great deal. He is 31. I think I will try him. He is here in my town. And I will pray that my son finds somebody where he is.
I make the same mistake every single time. I stay with people too long that are not helping me. I think that is key. To know what you want and need and to move on if they are not providing it.
Finally. I have gotten a huge amount of help from you ladies. Support too. But I have gotten huge help in clarifying where I need to go. I did thread after thread. I got real help. If you look at this last thread I did, everybody had consensus. It is hard to turn away from that kind of thing. That really beefed up my voice and my stamina. It made me stronger. I suggest that, too.