Well-Known Member
And while each statement made sense in itself, I could not put them together into a sense of what I could say that would work. That they would hear. That I could say, and not accuse them
I'm sorry, but accuse them! The fact of the matter is that its THEIR screwed up policies and attitudes mucking up the works. Sometimes you have to piss them off to get their attention.
I had a situation once where I had been written up for disobeying an order that was NEVER given. I filed a grievance. Even though policy states that retaliation isn't supposed to happen, HUGE surprise, the Sergeant retaliated. Wrote me up multiple times for petty little reasons. You know, the stuff that EVERYBODY does or doesn't do ALL the time but its ignored until they need it. Anyway, when I got to the Warden's office with my grievance I was told, in no uncertain terms, that right or wrong he was backing his supervisors. Not long afterwards, for unrelated reasons, the Department decided that they needed to teach us how to behave ethically and made up Code of Conduct cards we were supposed to carry with us. Well, I checked in with the Shift Commander that afternoon, he gave me the card, I signed for it, then I threw it in the trash and started to walk away. He told me I needed to keep the card on me. I asked why. He stated that in case I needed guidance on how to behave ethically, I could consult the card. My response? "The day the people that run this place can teach me ANYTHING about behaving ethically is the day I need a bullet in my effing head!" He said "You HAVE to keep it on you". I picked it up and put it in my pocket. He didn't speak to me again for almost a month! Even though he was pissed at me, he knew I was right.
So quickly, like a poisonous asp, I responded: Fine. I am prepared to give notice. We will now transition to that topic. I have had a stellar career and I will not put that in the balance.
Good girl!! A bully will only bully you when YOU let them!
You know what I feel like now? They cannot touch me now. The place cannot touch me. What can they do? Tell me to leave? So what? As far as I am concerned, what I was meant to learn and could learn I have.
And because of that YOU now have the power in the relationship. Just remember that they need you MUCH more than you need them.
So after 20 years they began to see that they did not have all of the power--the Feds could bust them. And what has happened? They got arrogant with healthcare providers--the same attitude--and nobody will work for them. And still? They cannot get it through their heads that they are not absolute monarchs.
Yeah, welcome to Corrections! That's a huge part of the problem with Corrections nation wide. All too many people who work in it forget that their power extends only to the offenders and those under their direct supervision. They forget that other people have power too and more often than not, more than they do.