Suzir, I deeply am saddened by the plight of some people in the world, like you are. I wanted to adopt many kids, all who had no chance. It didn't happen, but I wished I had a million dollars to set up a place for indigent children in a nice, clean, nurturing and hopeful environment. I have sponsored children during my lifetime. I have always been very sensitive to the homeless, the deprived, the very, very desperate. I had to stop reading or watching the news and I have been off the news for six months now. I just get too upset.
However, I don't relate affirmations of empowerment (as I call them) to those who are so desperate that their children have no food and eat mud. To me, these affirmations are for the first world people who CAN control our plight, except if it's sickness or death. I would not think people so indigent that they live in a trash yard in the Philippines ('ve seen YouTube tapes of this) are being spoken to in these sayings. Their mottos, if they can even think of mottos, would be "let me live another day."
I think it is ok for us to have affirmations that empower those of us who are fortunate enough to be able to change our circumstances, even although part of the world can't. I see us as having different problems.
Hopefully one day all of us can decide "I am a survivor, not a victim."
The people in those countries have to learn to make good decisions too, such as not having so many kids, getting rid of overly zealous leaders, etc. and it will be a long time before things get better for them. But they almost live a world apart from us and I don't think we need to stop reading affirmations that are relevant to us because sadly some in the world are barely surviving.
This also goes along with my personal belief that the only person I can control is myself, the only family I have any influence over is my own, and I can't fix the world. I feel it is ok to both be aware that others suffer worse and try to make our own lives better and I know many, many people who use affirmations. The place I work at, which tries to help others live in positivity, has a calandar with affirmations on it for each month. Sometimes when I'm tired out at work, I read t he monthly affirmation and I feel better.
With all the millions on the earth, the only person I can make feel better is me.
So I see your point, Suzir, but I have a different point of view, although I understand.