I am not a grandmother!!!!!!


New Member
I was thinking the same thing. I have a feeling her mother has become very attached to her though, so she would probably take her befofe she would allow her to give her up. I don't know which would be worse. She didn't do such a bang up job on raising her kids.

Then again, if she gives up the baby, she won't have her meal ticket to live off the state any longer and she might have to find a way to actually support herself, so I don't think she would ever give her up. Especially now that she doesn't have anyone to pay child support!!


New Member
Glad you got the news you wanted!!!!

I am with the others~~~~~better tell him to watch her, she lost her hold on him and she will want to get it back!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ummm...Karen...she only has a meal ticket from the state for a very short period. It isnt a lifetime anymore. And they will still be pressing her hard about naming that father. "I dont know!" doesnt cut it real well. I think the lifetime max on welfare is still 5 years. And I think you can only be on it for like 24 months at a time and then you have to go off it for a time and can come back on it for some more time...they really push the welfare to work angle now.

So she may better rethink the baby as a meal ticket...as sickening as that whole thought is.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful

I am so RELIEVED for you and difficult child. :whew:

I sure hope difficult child listens as far as Wingnut may try to get pregnant by him asap. I've seen it done before.

Hopefully this will at the very least cause him to rethink their relationship. Obviously wingnut can't even keep track of who she's sleeping with. Says alot about a person all by itself. And that's without all the other stuff.

Janet's right. Welfare is limited. In Ohio the limit is 2 yrs max. Except for medicaid, but you have to keep requalifying for that and have year long periods where you're not covered. (unless your a child then they give you this crappy insur thing no doctor will take)

So glad this is over with for you. You must feel like the weight of the world has lifted from your shoulders. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Well, I never thought I'd be congratulating someone on NOT being a grandmother, so this is a first!

I hope too that he finally sees her for what she is, but don't count on it. Even if the baby is not his, if he continues to see Wingnut, he could end up playing the "father" role for this baby, especially if she has no idea who the real father is.

I am so happy for you and for your son. I can't imagine how relieved you must be! I do feel very sorry for this poor child though - she may grow up never knowing who her father really is. I just really don't understand the mentality of girls who get pregnant by guys whose names they don't even know, then make all kinds of claims about who is the father, when they know it might not be true and can so easily be disproved! And yes, I know both are equally to blame, but she's the one with a baby to raise, and this babys' father is "anonymous".


New Member
I just signed on to this forum and I really don't know what I am doing. But I am a 50 year old grandmother raising 2 grandkids and they are a boy that is almost 10 and a girl that is 8. My 9 yr old has been ADHD and opositional since he was three and now I feel after reading The Explosive Child that the book was written for me. I am looking for some place to meet other parents with these problems and to regain some sanity, HA.


Active Member

I completely understand your relief. :smile: The thought of my difficult child being a father at this point gives me severe indigestion. :smile: You made a wise, and I'm sure hard, decision but in the end the best one.



Well-Known Member
OMG, YAY! This was the first post that I looked for when I got home and back on the board. I'm so glad that he is not beholden to her for this child.

I know you want to tell him that he shouldn't get her pregnant because she's a rotten little lout, but maybe advising him that financially and emotionally the one that she has needs all the love and attention it can get and there's no room or money for another child now, as a way of keeping him from being careless would come across as more acceptable to him.

Someone earlier said that she shouldn't be allowed to have children and I agree. She is what we would call a "non-breeder" in these parts. It's not that they can't, it's just that it's not a good idea.