Other than completely disgusted and frustrated out of my mind...........and jaded beyond belief, I guess I'm not doing too bad.
Requesting a Welfare Check sounds fantastic. But here a welfare check consists of the officers knocking on the door, asking to see the kids, asking if everything is ok, and unless something is so off the wall obvious? They turn and leave. I know. I've called enough times and WATCHED them enough times in the very same apartment complex where katie is living now. They never once stepped inside. Not once. Nor where kids ever removed or questioned alone.
To some degree it's not the officer's fault. If cps won't do anything there is little point in putting much effort in. Our cps has to be in your face omg the child is dying or tortured before they move........they're overwhlemed. There is one good worker.......well there was, she may no longer be there. They don't last long. You might get them to move on medical neglect, depending on what it is......and unfortunately that doesn't have much to do with the law. Because unless it's severe, parent gets a warning and told to seek medical attention and it's over. Caseworkers will pick a report apart just so they don't have to act on it. I know. I sat there while they did it to me twice. And that time I had katie's pediatrician doctor to back me up. Once I had a baby brought to me so severely malnurished she couldn't hold her head up, she couldn't even cry. Took her to the ER. No report to cps. Took her home where I called cps, called her pediatrician doctor (whom I knew because she was also katie's pediatrician doctor) doctor got cps to sign temp custody of a STRANGERS child over to me until family could be located to take her, so she' knew she'd be cared for. I had to flat out tell cps NO I wouldn't take custody of that child on a permanent basis. Mostly because I was in the middle of dealing with katie and her neglected/abused babies at the time. And then had the same agency tell me that reports I filed on katie .......reports of gross neglect and abuse could not be acted on because they stretched over a period of a year. Yeah. That's what I'm dealing with here.
I'm no stranger to our county cps dept. If it's not in your face there is absolutely no way to ignore it, they find a way to drop it......or to "work with the parents to resolve it". bah! Yeah. I wanna know why they didn't move while Alex was being "dropped" on his head repeatedly as a newborn, yet NEVER saw a doctor. (except for the time when I took him because he couldn't move his arms and legs properly.........and that doctor blew if off cuz he had his own pediatrician doctor.......except SHE hadn't seen him since he'd left the hospital. I want to know why leaving an infant lying in liquid diarrhea for hours screaming is ok........or rationing her food to the point where a 6 month old child is only being fed 2 oz of formula every 6 hrs is ok. Oh, how about katie throwing her 5 month old from across the room into the playpen? Infant cries in the bath? Well, just dunk her head under the water. All those things......and trust me, this is the TIP of it all........were just hunky dory.
Sorry. Guess I'm not dealing with it as well as I thought. It's like I've been plunged head first back into the nightmare of a decade ago..........and once again I can do little to protect my grandkids. THIS is why I didn't really want her to come here. It's bad at a distance, but here it's in my face and I can't get the h*ll away from it.
I try to stay detached. I try to pretend and just go on enjoying the rest of the family ect.....but I swear every time I think I got a hold on it something smacks me right back upside the head with it again. Like M's new posting.
I don't know if talking with school counselor's would work or not. Honestly? I'm not Miss Popular with our schools. I made them tow the line with Travis and Nichole, and when they didn't I gave them ten kinds of hades and made sure I had the law and doctor reports to back me up. I've gotten some wary looks just when I go to functions for the grands ect.....or to Alex's IEP meetings. And school is out for summer and I'm not sure one would even be available. Or if it would do any good. Cps isn't much better with them from what I've been told. They may take the report, but that doesn't mean anything gets done.
As for the hunting.........M is a self inflated whimp. He wouldn't go because another person might figure out he's all mouth. So even that option wouldn't work, but I know what you mean........there is something to be said for that old fashioned brand of justice. Mustn't tempt me.
I've taken a break from online except to come here because......well the temptation to lay into katie something vicious is just so great. I've been avoiding my phone for the same reason. So instead.........I dived into coupons, then did shop therapy with easy child for several hours. It at least distracted me for a bit.
So far, no one thinks it's enough to move on. At least no one I've spoken to so far. I won't give up. But at the moment we're still in a holding pattern waiting for something they can take and run with......or WILL take and run with, I guess I should say.
And this is why.........I'm the eternal pessimist.