I don't even know what to TITLE this I'm so UPSET


Active Member
Yes, there was no reason for her to do this. Especially when she KNEW I heard her doing it and didn't care. Unfortunately she lied to me and I didn't catch her at the time. She was out for 8 hours on Monday, came home at 9:00 pm (she didn't have to be home until 12) so she had all the freedom like she has had for the last month. She could have waited to the morning and go out all day if she desired. Curfew was 12:00am on week days and 2:00 am on weekends. What more do you want? What is the point of going out at 3:00 in the morning??? There was no reason, no good reason, to break out of my house like that. I mean there really , really, really was no good reason. That's what pisses me off the most I think. I could MAYBE understand if I kept her cupped up in the house for a month straight, then maybe I could see a reason for this kind of break out. But it wasn't the case.

The real last straw of it was, after I heard the noises coming from her room and then checked it out, I went back into the living room and I heard one final rrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiippppppppppppppp. The fact that she lied to me and knew for a fact that I could hear what she was doing now and STILL continued to do it, is just beyond. It sounded like she was duct taping a body in tere, that's how loud the sound was. Little did I know she was cutting my screen and that's what I heard. I put two and two together when I saw it last night.


Well-Known Member
GM, it's not only all right. It's at your own risk if you don't. This just isn't normal. Regular people don't do this even in their own homes. Write a list. In one column put down: The Good Things About Keeping Her Here. In the other write The Negative Things About Keeping Her Here. See which list is longer. (This is a trick I learned in therapy years ago...hehe). I am sharing and it's free of charge :) Just tell her to leave. I'm with the poster who said to make sure she pays. OHIJUSTGOTAGREATIDEA!!!!

Don't throw her out. Tell her if she will pay for fixing the screen she can stay.

See Jill run, as they used to say in my readers when I was in first grade (with the dinosaurs).


Active Member
Yes, you would think I would have enough strength to do this. It's amazing how much help and support I need just to do the right thing and tell her to leave. I am way too soft.


Active Member
Man the clock is ticking, a half more hour. Just went in there and try to pack all of B's things and put them out but everything is WAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY too heavy. She has 2 gigantic suite cases in there , plus her around the room. What should I do???


Active Member
It's ok,, it's ok. I got this. I am going to tell my daughter to help me do it and if she doesn't, then I will just throw things in trash bags.


Active Member
Well, difficult child came home at 4:15, showed her what B did.....aaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddd, difficult child got really mad at B. Me and difficult child talked, she wanted me to be te one to call B and tell her she is kicked out, but as I was doing it, she said "no, I'll do it". She called B and told her. B asked her how I knew, and difficult child told her that I heard her cut the screen, B said there is no way that I heard her with that arrogant confidence that all difficult child have (they love to think that they are that sneaky), which is a flat out lie. B knew I heard her, as I said earlier, I knocked on her bedroom door while she was doing it asking her what that noise was, so B flat out lied to difficult child. Anyway, the moral of the story is, difficult child took it extremely well and was on my side 100%. She also said that B took my car with in the two days that she was here. Wow, that was fast. So when B snuck out, she took my car as well. Thank God nothing happened to it, that I know of. difficult child also said that she could see that B was plotting to take her car as well.

Anyway, difficult child is going to take her stuff to B, later. It's the last thing difficult child wants to do, especially after a long hard day of work on her first day. I am really upset that difficult child has to do this, it's so not fair to her, but I don't want B to enter a foot into this house. So, all in all, went as smoothly as it could. where is the Staple button "That was easy!" I am very proud of difficult child. She is handling this very well. Those medications are really seem to be working.

Tanya M

Living with an attitude of gratitude
Staff member
GM, well your heart was in the right place wanting to help this difficult child. Oh how those life lessons can bite us!! You obviously have a wonderful spirit in wanting to help people and I hope this will not dissuade you from helping someone in the future. You have learned a valuable lesson. I would imagine what stings the most in this is that you have known this person since she was 13. It is such an awful feeling to have your trust violated and to have your home vandalized but when it's done by someone you know makes it that much worse. My husband and I had to repair several screens in our home. My difficult child would run away because he just couldn't live by our rules but when we were at work he would cut the screens and jimmy the locks on the windows to break in, then he would ransack the house looking for money. One time I came home to find he had taken my butcher knife and hacked away at my kitchen counters. Those were much more expensive than the screens. Later when I had the chance to ask him why he had done that to the kitchen counters he told me it was because he was mad that he couldn't find any money. I feel your pain honey!!


Well-Known Member
RED Flag WARING WARNING WILL ROBINSON .......If your kid asks to let another kid move in because they got kicked out of their home.....The answer is NO. Good people who follows the rules do not get kicked out of their homes. They are not going to follow your rules either.

My kid is in prison because I fell for that @&%*.


Well-Known Member
Wow, Guide and Lil, and MWM with Dice of course...we can't forget Dice...AMAZING! No good deed, as they say. I'm sorry this happened to you, Guide.


Well-Known Member
If your kid asks to let another kid move in because they got kicked out of their home.....The answer is NO. Good people who follows the rules do not get kicked out of their homes

I need to tattoo this on my thumb where I can see it all the time...good people who follow the rules do not get kicked out of their homes. The long list of "she had a misunderstanding with her parents" "she couldn't see eye to eye with her grandmother" "they were too strict" "her dad got remarried and they threw her out"...danger danger warning warning! Do not rescue some one elses difficult child...it just prolongs their GFGdom, which is plenty long enough already.
