This topic in general is such a relevant one in this age of prescription drug abuse. We just didn't have this level of medication abuse back in the day. My town has a crisis going on. Crime has skyrocketed. As have overdoses that more frequently have led to death. It's frightening in our community here. And it's getting worse. Not better. It is a major discussion topic among those living here since it has gotten so out of hand.
Having said that, I'm sick to death of having to suffer day in and day out simply because even intelligent and well educated people here often hear "prescription pain relief" and they jump to "addiction" theory and/or assumptions. Also far too few people here (doctors included!), are failing to differentiate between addiction in drug seekers vs dependent for pain relief and quality of life. So much research shows the importance of pain control on quality of life and disability levels. However more and more barriers are put into place, leading to destruction of lives of chronic sufferers, due to lack of education on the subject. And biased thinking. And unfounded fears.
I get entirely why regulations have tightened. Saving lives of addicts is something we need more access to support with. However!!!!!! Just try having chronic and debilitating pain that destroys your day to day living, functionality, ability to hold a job and be self supporting, ability to parent with the energy and physicality that requires, even marriages where a partner cannot actively participate in normal functions of living and relationships. The current trend in prescribing, here anyhow, assumes everyone drug seeks for getting high purposes. Heck just try to attend an ER when you are in such pain you contemplate ending your own life. Is it medication seeking? Darn tooting is! But not medication seeking for high. medication seeking for need and for sanity is a different kettle of fish. Yet here, the addiction issues are outweighing common sense and leaving thousands of lives in ruins.
I no longer have remissions and flares of MS. I hurt every single day. In so many areas of the body that it's pointless to explain "where it hurts". Suffice to say my eyeballs tend to go pain free. Beyond that? Name the location and I can describe how pain in that region affects me.
It is impossible to obtain a long term strategy for medical relief on a day to say basis in order that I can lead a normal life. Heck just a improved life is something i would settle for. Although I shouldn't have to settle. I deserve functionality and relief. Yet I haven't bothered with doctors for several years. It seems perfectly logical to docs these days to take chronic illness patients and happily prescribe symptom based medications. At one point in had nine different medications for individual symptoms. They totaled over forty pills per day. Every day. And made me so ill. While being completely ineffective. Thereby, completely useless. Yet the same doctors putting me on strong medications in awful combinations for symptom management, get all sketched out about addressing properly the desperate need for pain control in order to function at life. I eventually tossed the medication cocktails and actually am improved in that I don't have the many many many side effects any longer. Meanwhile, I miss normal living. I miss pain at a 7 or 8 on a pain of 1-10 scale. Sad right? I'm off the chart. Every single minute of every singe day.
Doctors should darn well know as DO better than lumping patients together. One persons medication seeking can be a tragic addiction. Another persons medication seeking can be life preserving and life altering.
Far too many people such as myself are living a non life because of inability for others to see both sides of this serious issue. I want to see proper handling of addicts because I'm tired of the sad news headlines. I also want to see medical minds stop cow towing to public misunderstanding for the millions of chronic pain suffers.
A bit of irony: I get scolded for daily use of acetaminophen (by oharmacist) because even using at doses not exceeding recommendations, it isn't good for a body daily for years. So I'm scolded, embarassed and lectured for daily use of stupid Tylenol. Yet desperately need narcotic type pain relief and cannot access it. I get treated just as much like a problem with getting OTC Tylenol as addicts scoring heavy narcotics prescriptions. If I had proper pain relief, I'd just shrug off those too ignorant to know the science behind good pain control. That would be a luxury to me believe it or not.
I guess I'm just saying drug addicts latched on to these medications as drugs of choice. It had nothing to do however with properly prescribed pain control for those who require it. But we have stopped using common sense and ability to discern between two completely separate distinct issues. Funny the addicts and doctor shop and get scripts. But be a patient with a pain inducing disease who sees their own doctor only and doesn't doctor shop? One ends up having to suffer. And better suffer silently. Because to express this upset at neglect of a serious medical need? Automatic flagging on files that you "drug seek". So get Ina. Car wreck? No medications for that patient. Because they are treated like seeking addicts.
Off my soap box. This one hits too close to home.