I need help/advice on school evaluation issue


Warrior Mom since 2007
Thanks Wiped Out - it actually isn't over, they agreed to re-open the evaluation to assess other areas that may need to be assessed (and that I requested in the first place) and we are still working on getting his new diagnosis in there. They had the nerve to tell me since the report from the psychiatrist was not in its entirety and I redacted some personal family info they would not accept it. The school psychiatric also tried to tell me that diagnosis (Cognitive Disorder not otherwise specified (visual processing / executive function) was only based on his verbal reasoning being higher than his performance (non-verbal) and therefore she didn't buy it - she didn't even address the visual processing piece. She is very young and does not have near the experience or expertise that our psychiatrist has. But overall, I feel it was a victory for us!


Active Member
So glad you are getting the evaluations you asked for hopefully by next fall they will figure out what they are doing. Do something nice for yourself to celebrate your victory! You rock warrior mom
