MICHL- most of these medications are prescribed off label... none are really recommended for children.
On that note though... many children are on both medications. While Buspar is not, I feel appropriate for my child, some do well on it. In different situations.
If you read on the Bipolar child website I believe a study was done in 2003... by our original psychiatrist, Dr. Pavuluri. She did a study on Abilify. All ages, she specifically speaks of a 5yo child. But while I wish my child could get along with no medications... the line of thinking for a lot of psychiatrists is to start with a Antipsychotic (we started with Risperdal, then Abilify) Then you move to a Mood Stabilizer- Age is not a factor given our difficult child's severity of symptoms.
We do not like the Buspar but the new psychiatrist wanted to treat the anxiety first... we have to keep our difficult child medicated...
What medications is she supposed to be on at this age, if you don't mind me asking?