Well-Known Member
No REM sleep for me, either. Why on earth would you go to school for 12 years to be a sleep doctor that tells people "Just close your eyes and go to sleep." HUH? As though Apnea can be the only possible reason for not sleeping or feeling rested. If that's the case, there should only be ENT doctors. At least when you have Apnea, you are asleep, for crying out loud! There must be some reason that I, and others like me, wake up every time we start to go into REM. Not to mention the part where we lay there for 2 - 3 hours thinking of everything from dinner to our second grade teacher. Then, we can talk about the dream where we are trying to fall asleep, and we wake up and wonder whether struggling with trying to fall asleep is more enjoyable when you are awake or asleep?