(the future) MRS. GERE
Jo, my wardrobe is pretty similar to what you describe.
I have really tried to follow most of Stacy and Clinton's rules but I have some "fun" things, too. I'm short and have short legs. Wide waist compared to smallish hips.
I'm most comfortable in the lower (not LOW like the kids') rise pants because of my wide waist and I've gotten hooked on pointy-toed shoes to help make my legs look longer (another one of their tricks). The short jackets that come in at the waist help me look like I actually have a waist.
These are basic rules that they teach and they seem to work for most body shapes- they certainly help mine. Best of all, they don't believe in "matchy-matchy" stuff so you can have some fun with mixing up your things and they also like to have some fun with shoes.
For summer this year I picked up a pair of inexpensive "leopard" platform sandals at TJ Maxx's and a dressier pair at Kohl's. They are so UNlike me that I can't wait to wear them. :smile:
I have really tried to follow most of Stacy and Clinton's rules but I have some "fun" things, too. I'm short and have short legs. Wide waist compared to smallish hips.
I'm most comfortable in the lower (not LOW like the kids') rise pants because of my wide waist and I've gotten hooked on pointy-toed shoes to help make my legs look longer (another one of their tricks). The short jackets that come in at the waist help me look like I actually have a waist.
These are basic rules that they teach and they seem to work for most body shapes- they certainly help mine. Best of all, they don't believe in "matchy-matchy" stuff so you can have some fun with mixing up your things and they also like to have some fun with shoes.
For summer this year I picked up a pair of inexpensive "leopard" platform sandals at TJ Maxx's and a dressier pair at Kohl's. They are so UNlike me that I can't wait to wear them. :smile: