I'm so very tired....


New Member
Wife picked son up from Juvi last night. They weren't even home (a 20 minute drive) before he asked to go spend the night at a friends house rather than stay home and spend time with us. 30 days of peace and now I'm all in knots again as I see the same old signs...he was in our room today while we were at work and there are clear signs of people being over here, despite his insistence that there weren't. At this point, I don't think I can have a normal relationship with him. The suspicion that surrounds his every move and word, the contempt I have for his behavior. I hope that we can make it through this next 10 months and he survives living on his own enough to grow up. Maybe that's what it'll take.


So sorry...well, perhaps he simply can't live with you with the drug use still ongoing. Does he have any idea that prison is not pleasant?

The answer is no...he's what 17? You all have to be able to live in your home...managing him is obviously not going to work.

Do what you all need to do for yourselves....we love them, but when you can't get through its futile. He is so young.

Hugs and prayers,