Well, we picked Melissa up yesterday and she was obviously crabby. I think part of it was the embarrassment of leaving; just a guess. She tried engaging us a few times, but husband and I ignored her and just went about the task of moving her things into the truck and she immediately stopped. Here's an interesting thing--husband and Melissa got off the elevator while Brandon was standing there waiting to get on. husband said Brandon did not even look at them or say hi.
This morning she asked if I would type up her Resume. I didn't mind, as I wanted it to look good 'cuz we want this girl to have a full-time job ASAP. She emailed a pet boarding place for a pet boarding assistant job. She mailed a resume to a pet grooming school for a receptionist job. She asked me to ride along in a little while so she could fill out applications for tellers at 2 banks in town. She also wants to stop at the pet store and see if they need any help. She said she was also considering doing caregiving for the elderly. She also said she was seriously considering the Army or Marines (Marines 'cuz Grandpa was one, she says).
She is calm as can be today. She was calm at home last night. She is so night and day, she does not seem like the same person, but this happens all the time.
Brandon called her this morning and got her upset, though. I wish he'd leave her alone. This was the perfect opportunity for him to get her out of his life entirely, but he knows she still wants him. (sigh) At least she got over being upset pretty quickly.
Well, she's ready to leave. She is getting more job prospects than me. I need part-time and am having a difficult time finding them.