Its 12:00a.m. and difficult child is still not home UPDATED

AtThe Brink

New Member
Okay, well, with the help of 2 parents we have located him. :bravo: We went to pick him up and this parent was TOTALLY on difficult child's side...........don't be too hard on him, he's just a kid, he's afraid of court, you have to back your kid up yadda yadda yadda. :nonono: See, he only knows what difficult child tells him. UGH, if the fact that we weren't :censored2: enough as it was and this guy has to get in our faces about ONLY what he's been told by difficult child. So, we had to have the police officer over and thats all done. He is showering, eating and going to bed. And "I'm" having a drink. :smile: Thank you all for your thoughts and prayer for his safe homecoming. I love you guys :flower:


I'm glad he's home safe and sound.

Our difficult child's are master manipulators who often get others in their pockets. They can't pull it off forever, though, and their true colors come shining through.


Well-Known Member
I'm just seeing this now. I'm so sorry that your difficult child put you through this. I tell you, I'd be hard pressed not to take this other parent's head off. What on earth are people thinking? Is there any situation where it would it be ok with them if their kid came over to your house and hid from them? Would it then be ok for you to tell them how to handle the situation without having heard their side of it? Because after all, a 14 year old felon's story carries so much more weight than their parent's, right? They'd know in no uncertain terms that they should just count their blessings that it wasn't their kid who tagged along to break into and vandalize the school, or their house that the group decided to burglarize.

I'm sorry that you had to get the police involved. I hope that they figured out to keep their stupid noses out of your business. Good luck!


Well-Known Member

I would just smile, nod and walk away from Mr perfect dad.

Can't you just hear difficult child now? 'my parents are gonna kill me.'

Enjoy that drink.

Do not plot anything against the stupid parent who harbored your child.

Your family will be in my prayers.


hearts and roses

Mind Reader
Glad to hear he's home. I'd also be hard pressed not to knock that parent's block off, but take a deep breath and keep your distance. It's better to just focus on your family and let him focus on his.

Hugs - yippeee, he's at least safe!


Roll With It
Glad he is home and safe, so sorry the other parent felt able to lecture you. When THEY have been through as much as YOU, at hte hands of a child, then you can listen to them. Next time, laugh at them. What they say is a truly funny thing to do, in your situation!!!

