Based on what easy child has said to you I would abide by her wishes too. I know my easy child finally had enough of difficult child's antics. Although difficult child acts very pleasant around us now, there was a time easy child didn't want to be anywhere around difficult child.
I don't think telling difficult child you expect her to behave is treating her like a child, and if it is then I guess you get what you deserve. Your difficult child has demonstrated many times that she does not know the appropriate way to behave so apparently she needs to be reminded. It's no different than setting down rules for our difficult child's when they are in our homes and expecting them to follow them and telling them the consequences if they don't. I realize your difficult child is in the sober house but she has only been there a very short time, not nearly enough time to prove she knows how to behave.
In the end Kathy you need to do what you feel is right. Not having difficult child there is going to hurt you more than it hurts her. If she was really following the program she would understand that it is her own actions that have caused this and would not be laying the guilt trip on you.
I don't think telling difficult child you expect her to behave is treating her like a child, and if it is then I guess you get what you deserve. Your difficult child has demonstrated many times that she does not know the appropriate way to behave so apparently she needs to be reminded. It's no different than setting down rules for our difficult child's when they are in our homes and expecting them to follow them and telling them the consequences if they don't. I realize your difficult child is in the sober house but she has only been there a very short time, not nearly enough time to prove she knows how to behave.
In the end Kathy you need to do what you feel is right. Not having difficult child there is going to hurt you more than it hurts her. If she was really following the program she would understand that it is her own actions that have caused this and would not be laying the guilt trip on you.