wOw. The responses here have been so wise and well thought out and I have appreciated every single one. I am still mostly "in the closet" about difficult children situation -- "yes he's back at school, no I don't hear much from him, you know how boys are" etc. But I have been less of a hermit lately and those sentences are rolling off of the tongue easier each time.
I did tell a close friend who has her own difficult child and we are getting together to talk over a meal soon.
I comments about shamefulness etc hit a bit of a nerve. My son is a being a complete jerk out of selfishness, basically. He doesn't want to be told how to live his life and he doesn't need us. Could he be an addict? I am not sure. But there is no underlying disability to explain his behavior at this time. I am ashamed of him; I am ashamed of what he is doing, who he is doing it with and the utter disdain he has shown to his father and me. I am aghast that he told his little brothers that he smokes and drinks and that "it's no big deal." I have no idea where or when he lost the morals we thought were ingrained in him. So, while the shame should be his to bear, it is mine for now. And I am sure I will let it go eventually, but not quite yet. Still too new and still too raw.
And I guess that's the difference. When he was found to be experimenting when he was 16, I told everyone. Because I wanted the eyes of the community upon him. I needed my fellow "football moms" to know that this partying was not OK with us and that they should not "look the other way" if they became privy to his (or my other kids') misbehavior. That's the fine line we all walk as parents - we hear of a teenager's risky behavior and wonder how much the parents know and if we should gab or not. I am always amazed at the parents who think reckless driving, or petty vandalism, or smoking weed and/or drinking are NO BIG DEAL even in HS and then shoot the messenger. But that's a whole other topic.
So, I think I will just ease into it. I guess my biggest fear is how it would reflect on my younger sons - 14 and 17. TBH, they are having a bit of a rough time, C is a wide-eyed freshman like a deer in headlights, and M is a senior trying to be the complete opposite of his older brother. I think their friend's parents could be concerned about letting their own kid hang out here if they knew my eldest was using/dealing/whatever weed. And frankly, it's a valid concern as a parent. I know difficult child was introduced to it by his friend's older brother. And that difficult child was partying all summer at his girlfriend's house and she has an older sister (23) who was likely buying the booze they were drinking. I am guessing she is a bit of a smoker as well.
Part of my reticence is that I also wrote an email to difficult child's girlfriend's mother -- the night he left. Very similar to my original post on this forum. She and her husband live down the street and I thought we were (good) friends. I know difficult child headed there when he left and he used their vehicles to move his stuff. I spilled my guts to her, apologized for putting them in the middle, wanting them to know that we love difficult child, we did not kick him out, and that we were very worried about his behavior and that I was heartbroken. I never heard back from her. A few days later, her H posted a random "like" on my FB page, so I took the opportunity to send him a similar message (thru FB). He ignored it too. Twice burned, thrice shy. While I understand them not wanting to get involved, even a quick "thinking of you" would've made all the difference to me. Since then, I've found dozens of pictures and references (online) to the kids' parties at their house over the summer.
So, I am rambling again. Please don't mistake my admitted shame as a judgment on anyone else but myself. And since I am being honest, I will admit that a big part of me wants to think that difficult child will magically come to his senses soon and return home and I would like to keep his reputation intact until then. Yes, I watch too many movies with happy endings. And I know I am embarking on what will likely be a long journey...but I can hope. He's 4 hours away, and the constant wondering and worrying needs a dash of hope once in a while.
Thanks for your guidance, companionship and especially your kindness on this journey!