My difficult child is wearing me out. This past week has proven to be interesting, to say the least. Last Tuesday evening her boyfriend took her to the ER because of a severe headache and continual vomitting. The headache was on the right side of her head and her right leg wasn't working correctly. The ER doctor thought she might have an aneurysm so they did a CT scan which didn't show any bleeding in her brain. They also did a lumbar puncture (not for sure why) but this of course worsened her headaches. The doctor finally told her that he thought she was having migraines. Sent her home with prescriptions for 2 medications. She called me the next day and asked me if I could buy them for her, and I did (only about $20). My husband and I went by to check on her yesterday and she's still sick. The phenergan makes her so sleepy and the pain medications don't seem to be working much. Anyway, we went to the store and bought some bottled water for her because she still is without water at her apartment. Bought her a few items to help sustain her. She's getting very thin. I'm really concerned about her and don't know how much I should help. It's just really hard to stay "up" when you see your adult child so sick. I told her yesterday that she was the only one responsible for herself (since she tends to blame everyone else for what is happening to her). She said that she knew that. We've agreed to take her to our chiropractor to see if that will give her some relief. It seems now, that I'm the one that needs the relief.