We are still not right with-the medications for either of my kids.
My difficult child 1 was on Zoloft (after failing on Prozac) and we just weaned her off because I didn't think it was helping and thought maybe it was making her more angry. Maybe I was wrong because she's been completely off the Zoloft since last week, and her week at school and today at school have not been good. She's had an angry outburst every day at someone or something - at home and school. Not as bad as before we started any medications, but clearly we're not stable.
In the meantime, my difficult child 2 had a horrible reaction to Zoloft, we weaned him off that and now he's on Celexa. Well, it's been better in a way, but yet, I'm worried. He's had some episodes where he's almost manic. I just read in another post that that was someone else's child's experience on an anti-d, and now I feel sick to my stomach. Before starting the Celexa most recently after coming off the Zoloft, he was having crying jags at school and home every day over some anxiety provoking issue or another (i.e., cried because he was afraid he got a math test answer wrong, cried because he couldn't figure out how to make the clay candle in art class, etc...) He is clearly a lot less anxious, and not crying at school and home every day, but these manic episodes are freaking me out. He's also super lovey-dovey. He's always been that way, but ever since going on the Risperdal and starting the Celexa, it seems moreso. I've discussed this with-our counsellor and this leads her to feel that most likely the kids have a mood disorder. I feel SO TRAPPED. Life off the medications is a nightmare. Life on the medications scares the &*()^&( out of me. I feel like I'm ****ed if I do, ****ed if I don't. Do I have any other choices?! We see the psychiatrist on Thursday, so plan to discuss all with-him. He's just so cavalier about it all. I get it. He prescribes medications to kids. But I'm just continuing to struggle with-all of this. The only positive is that I've been working extremely hard to keep mostly healthy foods around and limit their intake of **** because I was terrified of weight gain from these medications. After an initial weight gain, I *think*/*pray* that they have leveled off and their appetites don't seem quite as ravenous as when they first started out on the medications. I feel like I have to be HYPER-vigilant about it, though.
Finally, I feel most scared/concerned about the anti-d's. They seem to give the most extreme reactions to my kids. What other medications can be used in conjunction with-the Risperdal and their ADHD medications? Is there anything else out there? Of course, I want them off the Risperdal too, like yesterday, but at least that medicine didn't seem to provoke such mood swings and such like these anti-d's. And I just won't put them on a medication that is going to cause further weight gain. I just wish I could start it all over again. All of it.
In the meantime, my difficult child 2 had a horrible reaction to Zoloft, we weaned him off that and now he's on Celexa. Well, it's been better in a way, but yet, I'm worried. He's had some episodes where he's almost manic. I just read in another post that that was someone else's child's experience on an anti-d, and now I feel sick to my stomach. Before starting the Celexa most recently after coming off the Zoloft, he was having crying jags at school and home every day over some anxiety provoking issue or another (i.e., cried because he was afraid he got a math test answer wrong, cried because he couldn't figure out how to make the clay candle in art class, etc...) He is clearly a lot less anxious, and not crying at school and home every day, but these manic episodes are freaking me out. He's also super lovey-dovey. He's always been that way, but ever since going on the Risperdal and starting the Celexa, it seems moreso. I've discussed this with-our counsellor and this leads her to feel that most likely the kids have a mood disorder. I feel SO TRAPPED. Life off the medications is a nightmare. Life on the medications scares the &*()^&( out of me. I feel like I'm ****ed if I do, ****ed if I don't. Do I have any other choices?! We see the psychiatrist on Thursday, so plan to discuss all with-him. He's just so cavalier about it all. I get it. He prescribes medications to kids. But I'm just continuing to struggle with-all of this. The only positive is that I've been working extremely hard to keep mostly healthy foods around and limit their intake of **** because I was terrified of weight gain from these medications. After an initial weight gain, I *think*/*pray* that they have leveled off and their appetites don't seem quite as ravenous as when they first started out on the medications. I feel like I have to be HYPER-vigilant about it, though.
Finally, I feel most scared/concerned about the anti-d's. They seem to give the most extreme reactions to my kids. What other medications can be used in conjunction with-the Risperdal and their ADHD medications? Is there anything else out there? Of course, I want them off the Risperdal too, like yesterday, but at least that medicine didn't seem to provoke such mood swings and such like these anti-d's. And I just won't put them on a medication that is going to cause further weight gain. I just wish I could start it all over again. All of it.