Samll world, thank you so much for the egg suggestion - that's awesome! And you're much smarter than me - I wouldn't have thought to hard boli them first!!!
So I sat difficult child down and told her no solo dates, and no 16 year olds. I was very calm in explaining (and did so when boyfriend was not home so as not to incite a whole house riot!) and though she tried to make excuses and started to get angry I kept calm in my tone. Before I know it she was saying that she needs a release and hearing glass break and seeing it break was a release for her (wish I knew about the hard boiled throwing egg thing while I spoke to her!) She said I was the grown up and it was up to me to find another solution (which will be the hard boiled eggs!) She tried very much to stay in control and before I knew it we were talking about her social life and laughing about boys. OMG what a relief!!!! I could have sworn she was going to lose it.
Before I gave her the news I informed her that she was not allowed to destroy property in the house. So that's when she says what am I supposed to do for a release. It was actually a relatively calm discussion that ended on a good note - I'm speachless!! One day at a time and I am so thankful to have all the advice and suggestions from everyone -( that's my release!) I don't think I could have stayed so calm other wise!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!
Of course tomorrow is another day - but I'll take today for what it was worth.:smiles: