One more thing, it would seem so easy if he could just live at home with us, but between March and May we let him try it twice after getting out of mental hospitals. Both times he cut himself in the middle of the night with one of our kitchen knives and called 911. We still have two preteens living at home so him staying with us is not the best option right now, yet he can't seem to last more than a few days when he is in an apartment by himself.
In my opinion, because he will call 911 at the drop of a hat, I would never let him live with you again....ever.
I say this because I fear of his trying to get you into trouble with the law. You do have so much on your side, so much proof but, they are so dang sneaky!
My daughter and I got into a tiff, I will call it. I grabbed her lightly on her shirt to try and get her off the arm of my couch so she would not break it. She then lightly flicked me on the lips. She told the cop about this incident and the cop said if that's true, I can arrest you BOTH right now. Do you want to do that? My daughter, in her anger towards me, said YES! The cop looked at her funny and said...are you serious???
That night taught be a valuable lesson. In our state of Florida you can be arrested fo verbally abusing someone, and threatening someone even without touching simple as pointing a finger in their face, no matter their age.
Don't take that chance. We almost had it happen to both myself and her Dad, almost wound up in jail. They can twist words that get you arrested, even if you lawyer up and get out on bond, still...I don't ever want to go to jail. Not for even a second. And if your sons like my daughter, anything is possible when they are in this state of mind, that she has regretted later.