Fly away!
to the source.
Something is obviously not right with easy child. I know that he's got himself dug in deep with school. He broke up with his girlfriend, a week later begged her to take him back only to end it 2 days later. I know he's confused. And I think it's about everything.
I've been so focused on the behavior and the way he's treating every one that I didn't really think about the source. I've been angry and frustrated that he's not graduating because he didn't do the work and because he lashed out at anyone who tried to help. I've been angry and frustrated at his attitude and the way he talks to me.
Tonight after work, he came home and left within 5 minutes to go to his friend's, K's, house. He came home a bit later in a huff. When I asked him why he was home - as I expected him to stay the night - he very angrily replied that there is nothing to do, that he never does anything in his life.
About 5 minutes later he left to go to his friend's, D's, house. I called him around 11pm to see where he was and what his plans were. He told me he was spending the night at K's in that, duh - you should know, tone of voice.
easy child has *always* been a homebody. He has always valued his alone time. For him to be gone this much just isn't like him.
He has a hx of depression. He's dug himself in deep and probably feels like he can't get out. I'm just speculating here, but I wonder if he feels like he can't measure up to Ashlee, his former girlfriend, because she is graduating with honors, is going to college next year, and has goals and a plan. And he'll be in high school again. I think his self-esteem is kaput. And he didn't have a ton to begin with.
I've told him that not graduating this year is not the end of the world. It's not ideal, but it's not like he doesn't get another chance.
But, he won't talk to me. When I spoke to him last night, I asked him to talk to me. I told him that I don't know what to do because I don't know what's going on with him, but that I would like to try to help. When he came over later with a friend, he was doing that over-the-top, obnoxious, I think I'm hillarious behavior. The type that screams "I'm overcompensating".
Therapy is out of the question. He is adamant about that. I guess I'll just have to shoot from the hip and be selective about my timing.
Thank God that difficult child is doing well, atm (very well, I might add). With my health, I couldn't handle them both going off the deep end at the same time.
Oh, and difficult child 2 wants to move in with me. I told him...ha ha, very funny.
Although, there may be some temporary living situation going on.
He's a full time job all by himself.
Something is obviously not right with easy child. I know that he's got himself dug in deep with school. He broke up with his girlfriend, a week later begged her to take him back only to end it 2 days later. I know he's confused. And I think it's about everything.
I've been so focused on the behavior and the way he's treating every one that I didn't really think about the source. I've been angry and frustrated that he's not graduating because he didn't do the work and because he lashed out at anyone who tried to help. I've been angry and frustrated at his attitude and the way he talks to me.
Tonight after work, he came home and left within 5 minutes to go to his friend's, K's, house. He came home a bit later in a huff. When I asked him why he was home - as I expected him to stay the night - he very angrily replied that there is nothing to do, that he never does anything in his life.
About 5 minutes later he left to go to his friend's, D's, house. I called him around 11pm to see where he was and what his plans were. He told me he was spending the night at K's in that, duh - you should know, tone of voice.
easy child has *always* been a homebody. He has always valued his alone time. For him to be gone this much just isn't like him.
He has a hx of depression. He's dug himself in deep and probably feels like he can't get out. I'm just speculating here, but I wonder if he feels like he can't measure up to Ashlee, his former girlfriend, because she is graduating with honors, is going to college next year, and has goals and a plan. And he'll be in high school again. I think his self-esteem is kaput. And he didn't have a ton to begin with.
I've told him that not graduating this year is not the end of the world. It's not ideal, but it's not like he doesn't get another chance.
But, he won't talk to me. When I spoke to him last night, I asked him to talk to me. I told him that I don't know what to do because I don't know what's going on with him, but that I would like to try to help. When he came over later with a friend, he was doing that over-the-top, obnoxious, I think I'm hillarious behavior. The type that screams "I'm overcompensating".
Therapy is out of the question. He is adamant about that. I guess I'll just have to shoot from the hip and be selective about my timing.
Thank God that difficult child is doing well, atm (very well, I might add). With my health, I couldn't handle them both going off the deep end at the same time.
Oh, and difficult child 2 wants to move in with me. I told him...ha ha, very funny.

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