By law, sites are required to archive all past information for x amount of time... I can't quote the exact law, but I know it's out there. Most sites archive "forever" (I'm sure they'll run out of room eventually). Also... There are websites you can go to, to get archived web pages from ages and ages ago... Facebook has been named in so many divorce cases now, they're sure as heck not going to change the way that they do that stuff. Last week I used a situation to show Jett that the internet is FOREVER. Pulled up a picture of my cats posted when I was married to my EX (1998 on AOL, I don't even HAVE AOL anymore)... The picture was posted before Jett was born.
Katie doesn't seem to have ANY intention of doing what's right. And she sure as heck CAN boot him out. I could throw husband out in a heartbeat if I wanted to. All I'd have to do is tell him to leave, and when he didn't, call the cops. I'd have more trouble than Katie would - husband's name is on my mortgage too! But the was DV charges work, they look at whoever looks more like a perpetrator (in most cases the guy, not necessarily fair but there it is).
I thought Katie wasn't allowed to have him in the apartment??? What happened to that?
I'm so disgusted with this guy. Someday he'll get his. The sooner the better, in my opinion... But... What I am doing - is praying, rattling beads, pretzeling and sending all the good vibes I can toward you and the grands. The heck with Katie and M.