Well-Known Member
difficult child had his first meltdown since going off wheat. Sorry to say, it was identical to the meltdowns he had while still on wheat.
He was given a lower dose of Adderal yesterday a.m., (we had extras and were trying to use them up) and it wore off very early, plus, he borrowed a neighbor's hand-held Game Boy and stayed up half the night 2 nights in a row playing it, (which we didn't figure out until after we put the pieces together--I checked on him at 11 one night and he was asleep in an odd mummy position, and easy child saw him an hr later, playing with-the GameBoy, which explains the faux sleep pose. Aaargh!) so between the lack of sleep, the low dose, and the excess frontal lobe activity with-that game, he was ready to blow.
(It was all my fault, by the way, because I had the nerve to turn off the TV and make him eat dinner at the table, like I'm the mom or something.
Yes, I warned, or "transitioned" him.)
As usual, he threatened to kill me, said he wanted to live with-his bmom, and even argued with-husband, splintered 2 huge closet dowels from his closets, and trashed his room. Most of the heavy duty stuff he did alone with-husband, thank heaven, (while I listened) because husband is still bigger and stronger and can use physical force if necessary and was considering calling the police. He didn't have to do either one, but gosh, this was the closest we've gotten.
He calmed down in about 1/2 hr--record time!-- and was an angel this a.m.
This afternoon, I met with-easy child, her marine bio teacher, and the dean of students, because easy child got a D on her final exam, and was totally shocked. She had thought it was very easy. Turns out she knew the material but did not test well, because she wasn't specific enough in her essay questions. The teacher acted like we were in court and she was arguing her case, on top of which, she got on easy child's case for talking too much in class, and had easy child in tears to the point where she couldn't even talk.
The good news is, easy child found an error in adding up the essay Q score, which brought her grade up to a C.
The teacher was all about how much work she put into the lesson plan-"rewriting it from Jan.-May for your entertainment" and writing the test from scratch and how the students didn't appreciate it. Very intimidating. Very strange.
I expected the mtg to go 20 min. It went almost 2 hrs!
Between last night and tonight, I am exhausted.
Oh, and there's no way difficult child will make it at that school. I'm not even going to attempt it after 5th gr.
Oh, $*@^, I forgot to call the child psychiatric and make an appointment. today. I need to go in with-difficult child if they have a last min. cancellation.
He was given a lower dose of Adderal yesterday a.m., (we had extras and were trying to use them up) and it wore off very early, plus, he borrowed a neighbor's hand-held Game Boy and stayed up half the night 2 nights in a row playing it, (which we didn't figure out until after we put the pieces together--I checked on him at 11 one night and he was asleep in an odd mummy position, and easy child saw him an hr later, playing with-the GameBoy, which explains the faux sleep pose. Aaargh!) so between the lack of sleep, the low dose, and the excess frontal lobe activity with-that game, he was ready to blow.
(It was all my fault, by the way, because I had the nerve to turn off the TV and make him eat dinner at the table, like I'm the mom or something.

As usual, he threatened to kill me, said he wanted to live with-his bmom, and even argued with-husband, splintered 2 huge closet dowels from his closets, and trashed his room. Most of the heavy duty stuff he did alone with-husband, thank heaven, (while I listened) because husband is still bigger and stronger and can use physical force if necessary and was considering calling the police. He didn't have to do either one, but gosh, this was the closest we've gotten.
He calmed down in about 1/2 hr--record time!-- and was an angel this a.m.
This afternoon, I met with-easy child, her marine bio teacher, and the dean of students, because easy child got a D on her final exam, and was totally shocked. She had thought it was very easy. Turns out she knew the material but did not test well, because she wasn't specific enough in her essay questions. The teacher acted like we were in court and she was arguing her case, on top of which, she got on easy child's case for talking too much in class, and had easy child in tears to the point where she couldn't even talk.
The good news is, easy child found an error in adding up the essay Q score, which brought her grade up to a C.
The teacher was all about how much work she put into the lesson plan-"rewriting it from Jan.-May for your entertainment" and writing the test from scratch and how the students didn't appreciate it. Very intimidating. Very strange.
I expected the mtg to go 20 min. It went almost 2 hrs!
Between last night and tonight, I am exhausted.
Oh, and there's no way difficult child will make it at that school. I'm not even going to attempt it after 5th gr.
Oh, $*@^, I forgot to call the child psychiatric and make an appointment. today. I need to go in with-difficult child if they have a last min. cancellation.