OMG Susie !!!
Your post had me cracking up! Aubrey is already getting confused because we've begun to teach her that her family members have actual names to go along with Nana and Papa and such. Poor kid. boyfriend's Mom's name is the same as mine. So Nichole got nowhere fast with that one. lol I'm still Nana and she's still granny said with a sour face. (Aubrey does that every time, it's weird)
Nana has become Darrin's word of endearment for older women. If he feels very close to you, you're a Nana, otherwise just a grandma. The poor kid has too many grandparents when you count in step grandparents and great grandparents, and great great grandparents. But he has only 2 he calls Nana....Me and my mother in law.

But if he meets a really sweet older woman he will refer to her as a Nana. lol
My kids referred to their grandparents as Gma or Gpa so and so usually. Only my bio dad and his wife were different.....they were papa and granny. My grandfather was referred to as great Gpa.
BUT they would get horribly confused over aunts and uncles they rarely saw, which is all of them. Honestly, they still tend to get confused. Doesn't help that so many have the same first names.
When Nichole was 2 husband's bro's wife shared french fries with Nichole thereby assuring the toddler's love forever. She's been the French Fry Lady every since. And my kids as adults have to be extremely careful not to call her that to her face.
While on the subject of names......Aubrey say's she's "Aubrey Horton" As in Horton Hears a Who.

Her last name rhymes with Horton but she can't get the W out.
Suz.....can you tell you're gonna have fun??? LOL