Hello again, Friends.
I truly need a bit of input on the latest developments. I have repeatedly asked my daughter for four months now, to travel one hour to allow me to see my grandson. This compared to a two hour journey for me. She refuses and says that if I want to see him, I can make the 3 and 1/2 to 4 hour trip (that just one way) a hotel reservation and see him.
Sadly, as I have done this in the past, my health is failing and she rejects my new husband who would gladly travel with me. In a final move, she now is having my grandsons Christening on Mothers Day, my husband is NOT invited (did I mention she lives with her husband and child with my ex?) So if I am to be acknowledged at all, I have to go.
by the way. I raised my kids as Christian, but never forced any particular religion on them. Where is forgiveness or decency in this behavior? This kid never went to church after I took her. Nor did she get the therapy I thought could help her 15 years ago, as my ex ( a Doctor) told her "things get worse if you talk about them" during our divorce. He is now in therapy and karma is a

Additionally, COVID forced her to post pone her destination wedding in Italy, which her Dad paid for. I had sold my home, but was able to negotiate for them to be married on her original date there, and gladly paid for same.
She now wants to have her BIG day in September in Italy. A big old black tie wedding. We have family there. Am I wrong to wonder about the hypocrisy to have such an event in a county that now has level 4 COVID warnings and is taking in at least 500,00 Ukrainian refugees, thankfully but I am supposed to travel ( and she with her infant son, ) 9 hours to sip champagne while people are suffering? It is sick making. It is all about her, as usual.
So here is the quandary. My therapist advised my to respond to her nasty text with a point by point rebuttal, which I have crafted and revised several times in a very gentle but firm way.
My friends of several decades are not going. They are livid at her treatment of me, and the fact that she shows no regard for the terrible timing of the event, Sept. 5 (labor day) I am an educator as are they, and taking the first day of school off is crazy after a 5pm wedding the day prior.
Of course it could have been Saturday or Sunday but she wants her original date, and screw the common working person. She did not even invite my friends with a plus one, nor did she invite two of my cousins, and their husbands. No respect.
While I admire my therapist who has been so helpful, one dear friend said I should simply not respond and let my daughter be until she comes "crawling" or not. A narcissist can't deal with not being acknowledged, I know. Nor do I expect her to ever come "crawling back" to me. I fly in the face of her behavior, and I am too old to change my ways of putting the human suffering in Ukraine, the generosity of Italy, or the safety of myself and my loved ones at risk, when she could donate Daddy's money to help people who actually need it, rather than staging a faux black tie benefit for her self serving day. I do not begrudge her this day, but her timing is more than dreadful.
Do I respond, or not? Truly, my friends this is costing me dearly. I struggle every day to reset myself and be grateful for my blessings, which are many. But how the hell does a Mom get through this? I am trying to take back the power of my own good life, but every day, it hurts. Any advice is so very welcome. I want to be a priority, not a choice.
My last drafted email ended with "I have repeatedly asked for more contact from you, zoom calls with my grandson, picture never received, suggestions from you on how to make this better, all for naught. If it is easier for you to simply cut me off, that is definitely what my impression is, and correct me if I am wrong. I shall accept any answer. And pray for change, as YOU were always my priority, and never ever a choice. My grandson will always be a priority. But if you choose not to drive the same hour that you have to your in-laws repeatedly, and while i love to drive,cannot safely do so alone. "
Should I respond in a respectful way or simply ignore any response that will elicit a nasty abusive text? I need peace in my life, and wish NOTHING but best for them. Help?