I know I'm an optimist and get excited at the first sign of something positive. But through this, I've learned that addiction has so much more of a pull than I ever could understand. So, although I am celebrating the fact that my son is currently sober, has a bed to sleep in, roof over his head, food in his tummy and on the right track, I still am guarded. I probably will always be. I have here and now and it gives me great peace to think of him healthy and alive again. I will never give up on him and I will keep praying for God to give him strength, courage & the ability to stay away from his horrible addiction. I feel that I will be able to handle it if he relapses again, because I've grown stronger. I hope not, but I can accept the things that I can't change. He's in control of his destiny now. Thank you all for your loving support, it means the world to me, it really does.