call 911
Hi Family,
You know that extended exhale thing you do when you are just too tired to be upset and just knew you were right about something to do with your kid? Sorta like a horse snort without the snort?
But not a PFT? Yea - you tried it; that's the noise.
I got a call from the caseworker this morning who is still in receipt of a trash bag full of some second hand winter clothes and that letter I wrote to him explaining why it was so important to comply. Dude has been AWOL for 2 days. He never checked in or returned last night.
I sat there on the phone after "Your son is AWOL" and I had to ask the caseworker to stop talking so I my ears could digest what my stomach could not. After AWOL it was like what the dog must hear blah blah, blah blah, blah...blahblah. I think I saw a light. LOL.
After I got my breif 15 seconds to pull myself together in an office where 12 men are standing around waiting for assignments - I managed to muster up "So what now?" and he said "Well the psychiatrist here read your letter and said it was good but you didn't tell him WHY you are worried about his future." I thought then said "To tell him I'm worried about his future is redundant don't you think? I said that in the letter witout saying 'OH SON I LOVE YOU I WORRY ABOUT YOU CONSTANTLY YOUR FUTURE IS IN DANGER' as if I've never said that - but we're doing tough love and I'm not supposed to be emotional to HELP him." Apparently she doesn't believe in tough love. But this is the same psychiatric. that thought difficult child would be better at home so that he COULD go to jail and COULD be arrested, and COULD get the terrific (her words not mine) support system they have in juvenile hall. (Well he went, and there was no support, only a suicide attempt due to placing him on anti depressants I said was NOT good for him) argh. Each year I find it harder and harder to respect her thoughts regarding these types of children. I did ask at one time if SHE would be DUDES personal psychiatrist - quickly she said NO.
So he is being moved today (whenever they find him) to a high management group home with level systems, and earning privledges, and thug kids who are real street wise. He won't have freedoms or be allowed out for quite a while. I have no idea when I will see or talk to him. I just know currently he's in violation of probation and COULD end up in jail for the next 6 years. I thought it was 3 - it is 6.
I was asked to sign a permission slip - not a problem. In retrospect I should have just got a signature stamp for the caseworker when all this started years ago so I didn't even have to be bothered with bad news.
I think I shall change his name here from Dude to The Energizer Bunny - he just keeps going and going and going and going.
Thanks all - I think it either stops OR you just detach to the point of forgetting you ever gave birth or adopted that child.
Doing the right thing for you in these situations and learning to truly detach - hurts more than words can say.
But don't you ever just get flippin tired of settling? I mean I try to remain positive and he never quits, so I think "Well at least I have a son" (as opposed to the one that is gone) and I think "At least he's physically healthy" as opposed to taking care of two physically disabled people or loosing him to a disease, and I think "Well he didn't finish school" but he's trying to get a GED, and on and on and on....Maybe THAT is what detachment is - Learning to quit settling or lessening your dreams and thoughts each month about a kid you love.
Hard to tell - I just know at this point I don't have that dream any longer where he comes through the door a few years older, after not having seen or heard from him and he's got a GED, a job, a car - is happy. Instead I "settle" again for one where he calls and says "I finally made a level after 11 years mom". One stinking level- you'd think...
If you made it this far - thanks
Not depressed - not overwhelmed -
Just Star
You know that extended exhale thing you do when you are just too tired to be upset and just knew you were right about something to do with your kid? Sorta like a horse snort without the snort?
But not a PFT? Yea - you tried it; that's the noise.
I got a call from the caseworker this morning who is still in receipt of a trash bag full of some second hand winter clothes and that letter I wrote to him explaining why it was so important to comply. Dude has been AWOL for 2 days. He never checked in or returned last night.
I sat there on the phone after "Your son is AWOL" and I had to ask the caseworker to stop talking so I my ears could digest what my stomach could not. After AWOL it was like what the dog must hear blah blah, blah blah, blah...blahblah. I think I saw a light. LOL.
After I got my breif 15 seconds to pull myself together in an office where 12 men are standing around waiting for assignments - I managed to muster up "So what now?" and he said "Well the psychiatrist here read your letter and said it was good but you didn't tell him WHY you are worried about his future." I thought then said "To tell him I'm worried about his future is redundant don't you think? I said that in the letter witout saying 'OH SON I LOVE YOU I WORRY ABOUT YOU CONSTANTLY YOUR FUTURE IS IN DANGER' as if I've never said that - but we're doing tough love and I'm not supposed to be emotional to HELP him." Apparently she doesn't believe in tough love. But this is the same psychiatric. that thought difficult child would be better at home so that he COULD go to jail and COULD be arrested, and COULD get the terrific (her words not mine) support system they have in juvenile hall. (Well he went, and there was no support, only a suicide attempt due to placing him on anti depressants I said was NOT good for him) argh. Each year I find it harder and harder to respect her thoughts regarding these types of children. I did ask at one time if SHE would be DUDES personal psychiatrist - quickly she said NO.
So he is being moved today (whenever they find him) to a high management group home with level systems, and earning privledges, and thug kids who are real street wise. He won't have freedoms or be allowed out for quite a while. I have no idea when I will see or talk to him. I just know currently he's in violation of probation and COULD end up in jail for the next 6 years. I thought it was 3 - it is 6.
I was asked to sign a permission slip - not a problem. In retrospect I should have just got a signature stamp for the caseworker when all this started years ago so I didn't even have to be bothered with bad news.
I think I shall change his name here from Dude to The Energizer Bunny - he just keeps going and going and going and going.
Thanks all - I think it either stops OR you just detach to the point of forgetting you ever gave birth or adopted that child.
Doing the right thing for you in these situations and learning to truly detach - hurts more than words can say.
But don't you ever just get flippin tired of settling? I mean I try to remain positive and he never quits, so I think "Well at least I have a son" (as opposed to the one that is gone) and I think "At least he's physically healthy" as opposed to taking care of two physically disabled people or loosing him to a disease, and I think "Well he didn't finish school" but he's trying to get a GED, and on and on and on....Maybe THAT is what detachment is - Learning to quit settling or lessening your dreams and thoughts each month about a kid you love.
Hard to tell - I just know at this point I don't have that dream any longer where he comes through the door a few years older, after not having seen or heard from him and he's got a GED, a job, a car - is happy. Instead I "settle" again for one where he calls and says "I finally made a level after 11 years mom". One stinking level- you'd think...
If you made it this far - thanks
Not depressed - not overwhelmed -
Just Star