My daughter is 18yrs old. She just turned 18 2 weeks ago. She has always had low self esteem and social issues. I always encouraged her supported her and sought help for her. In high school the social setting was too much for her and I decided to let her be home schooled. She fell behind so we started a GED program. she stopped going. Everything was fine until about 6months ago. She started smoking weed and being disrespectful. I put her in counseling and therapy. She would laugh and take it as a joke. She has on multiple occasions threatened suicide and I always try to let her know I love her get her help and I beleive she is crying wolf to get her way. I was going through her phone and saw that she was meeting men on tender and performing sexual acts on them to get weed. I was heartbroken. Ive tried to have numerous convos with her about self-worth and self respect. But the attention she gets from this men is all that seems to matter to her. Not the right attention, they only want to use you. The day after her birthday she was smoking weed in my house and I snactched the pipe and told her to get out. She raised her hand to me so I slapped her and physically pushed her out of her room and locked the door. I allowed her to stay on the couch. She snatched my purse and tried to get the key to her room and we had another scuffle. She got mad and kicked a whole in my door so I called the police. They made her leave, I called my sister and made arrangements for her to go over there. She was there about a week and when she came home, she walked in the door and said "Im gonna need you to apologize for slapping me", I said thats not gonna happen and she proceeded to call me a
and curse at me. I told her to get out and she sat on the couch SCREAMING at the top of her lungs for 10 minutes "SHE SLAPPED MEEEEEE" with the front door open for all the nieghbors to hear. I thought she was having a mental breakdown. I called the police, they came assessed her and said she was having a tantrum. Told her to leave. She went back to my sisters and my sister told her that she cant come over and be high at her house. She did. She texted for a week, wrote an apology letter and I was supposed to let her back in friday. I came home from work yesterday (wed) and she was laying on the couch High as a kite. I asked her why, is she doing this, tried once again to speak with her. Some one rang the doorbell, when I went to the door for 10 seconds, my son came to see who was at the door and saw her stealing money from my purse. I retrieved the money and put her out. She went to my sisters who told her to leave. She ended up sleeping on my porch. I need advice. This is stressing me out. She is naive and immature. But I can not tolerate disrespect. All I do is sit around worrying about her. What to do, am I wrong? She is not ready for the streets, but I cant help her, If she is not willing to help