I am so sorry that her father is not respecting the care she has been given and the
family of these kids feel that from a distance armed with their thinking process based on whatever are intruding in such a disruptive manner.
I have the folks in the family that interject thier 'beliefs' without bothering to attend to the meetings, read the evaluations and consult with specialists or even do reasearch to learn about the diagnosis. Oh, or even learn if their opinion is interesting to me, custodial parent. I do not think that "parental rights" are a
casual type thing...if the father is not informed and acting to disrupt her treatment plan, schooling, stability in a home she resides that the role he is adopting is not
a form of parental involvement...it is in conflict with parental authority.
In fact failing to plan for her needs by disturbing her treatment plan, education,
stability in her home are detrimental...all that drama without any purpose? Come on that is horrible.