RN, you are YOU, and your son is himself.
You are taking on way too much responsibility for what you say or do in the equation of the outcome of his choices. Oh the guilt, what's said, not said done, not done, it is never ending. Walking on eggshells. I think that this is part of the illness of addiction that is passed over to us. We take on their consequences, more so than they do. It is hard not to do when caught up in the whirlwind of their lives, because we love them and want the best for them. We reap what they sow and everything that comes along with it. Carrying on with our own lives, stuffing the raw ugly reality down just to be able to function, but the truth is, it begins to consume us in one form or another.
But, we are separate people. We have our lives to live. We have raised our kids to our best ability, the rest truly depends on them and what they want their lives to be. We have no control over these choices they make. Absolutely none.
I am glad you are going to see a therapist. She/he can help give you the tools you need to live your life to the fullest, despite what is happening due to your sons choices.
It is and was a long haul for hubs and I. We all have to do what we need to do to get through the insidiousness of this.
Your life matters, your husband life matters. Your relationship matters.Time and unforeseen circumstance befall us all, and there is no "do over" in some instances.
After so many years of my life being turned inside out and upside down with the consequences of my two, I am so ready to completely detach, to keep working towards radical acceptance of this is what is and repel the chaos they choose. It is not that I don't love them, I am fed up. I am tired of their drama, and the consequences of their out of control cycling spilling over into my life.
I hope that your son will be ready to pivot. There is always hope. That is really and truly up to him.
The work cut out for us is to to deflect the stress and crazy of their lives and be able to live ours with peace. Anything less is unacceptable. Really and truly how dare they? How could anyone be so self centered to jeopardize their own lives and the blessing of good health and in the meantime lure anyone who cares for them into their web of denial, blame and excuses? Ugh.
If only we could cross our arms, wiggle our nose and blink our eyes to make it all go away. Click our heels three times and erase the first and every other encounter with drugs and stupidity our d cs fell upon. Sigh.