Greenegal, welcome. You are getting played. She has ZERO right to be angry that you read her fb or texts or anything else. she is bringing sh(* into YOUR HOME, you are NOT bringing it into her world. That ALONE makes all her 'rights' to privacy in your home VOID. You cannot bring dangerous illegal things into someone's home and then blame them if htey learn about them. That is total nonsense.
Are you aware that if one person other than your daughter knows she is selling drugs, then an entire WORLD knows? Do you know that if the law becomes aware that you know she is sellign drugs and you ALLOW it to happen in your home that they can SIEZE your home? Or any other property you have? ALL that you have worked for could be GONE if the cops raid your home and can show you knew she was selling and didn't stop it? i actually know a parent who lost her home, two cars, a lake property and a lot of money because she let her drug dealing son live at home while he went to school and she let him go stay at her lake property and drive her cars etc.... She got zero money from her son, but her property was used in furtherance of his drug dealing so they seized ALL of it. She had huge legal bills, fighting it got her nothing but those bills, and she lost every single thing. She lost her JOB because she was a teacher and she allowed her property to be used in furtherance of a conspiracy to deal drugs.
You have more to worry about than if she lives at home. She is putting you in danger l egally, financially and careerwise. She is also putting you at HUGE physical danger.
WHo gets ripped off the most? Drug dealers. People will go and rob them thinking they have lots of drugs at home and the robbers don't CARE if you are her mom, if you don'tknow, if you are there, nothing. YOU are at risk of being hurt, being RAPED by someone trying to force you to tell them where the drugs are or who is too high to care what they are doing, or to be KILLED by someone ho wants to rob her.
I know you want to save her. You cannot do that if you allow her to run drugs through your home. The ONLY way to stop is to draw a firm line and be safe yourself. you cannot help her until YOU are safe first.
By now someone unsavory knows she is dealing. You are in danger. She is a legal adult. If she won't stop dealing, make her leave and fend for herself. She has NO future if she does not stop dealing. i can guarantee you that my kids won't bring that sh(* into my home because they KNOW, deep down in their bones, that I will call the cops on them myself. My husband would be furious with me, but he would get over it too. I won't have anyone bring that risk into my home, regardless of how my heart would break to have to turn them in. Sure, I would give them a chance to stop. ONE. After which they would have NO privacy for several YEARS in my home or property.
Quit worrying about her being upset and start worrying about being attacked by people looking for the drugs she is selling. Worry about your safety and your legal status if it is learned that you did not stop her. You cannot really stop her dealing, but you CAN stop her from using your home, vehicles, or property to do it. If she is hungry, homeless, etc... she could stop that in a heartbeat by coming to you clean, sober and not dealing, and she will KNOW this. but as long as she is dealing, you NEED to have her live elsewhere and you NEED to go to meetings.
as long as you are taking steps to stop it, your job should be safe. Meetings count. Which would upset you more, someone invading your home to take her drugs and hurt you/her/anything there or someone knowing you go to parent meetings for sub abuse? If the answer is the meetings, your priorities are a mess. Meetings will help both you AND your daughter and are crucial. NOne of us is immune to sub abuse and if ONE member of a family is abusing something, the entire family has a problem and needs help. I have and do walk that walk. I invite you to walk it also. You won't be the only teacher in meetings.