Well-Known Member

Just hopping back on my soapbox for one more little thought - for anyone who is ever tempted to buy a puppy from a back yard breeder or at a flea market ...
When one of these people thoughtlessly breeds their dog and then makes a few bucks selling those puppies to "whoever" at the flea market, that gives them the incentive to breed that dog again and again! The poor mama dog is turned into a puppy factory because of the owner's greed and her little body will be worn out in a few years from being bred heat after heat. A few of the puppies might find a good home, but many don't. Many of them will end up among the thousands and thousands of unwanted pets that are euthanized every year. Why encourage these people to add more and more puppies to the pet population when there are already thousands in Rescue organizations and animal shelters that need a good home.
And don't even get me started on the PET SHOPS that keep the puppy mills in business by selling the poorly bred unhealthy puppies they produce for exorbitant prices ... !