Again, thank you for your sage comments - you have no idea how much they help.
Love the, "Not your circus, not your monkey." So true!!!
We already have 2 rescue dogs - my husband would shoot me if I brought another one home!
Our friend (former respite worker) has been amazing to us over the years - even when she was no longer working with us, she was the first person on the scene when daughter would run away or get into trouble. We like to think of this very temporary help as paying it back. She won't be with us for very long and has always lived independently, so this is not the permanent setting she is seeking. And I know for sure she will have no issues calling the police if daughter shows up at the house while we are away. That makes us feel better about leaving on the trip.
You are so right, SWOT! We are trying to move forward with our lives.
That is so sad, Littleboylost.
We had a meeting with some staff at the treatment program she was in until age 18. It was really nice that they pulled her file and did a full review. Husband & I need some professional help but are not sure where there are services that address our daughter's issues. The team agreed to meet with us given their extensive history with her. After the review and an update on her recent activities, it was the consensus of the group that her Cluster B traits are in full bloom now (histrionic, borderline, narcissistic and a bit of antisocial) along with her ADHD. The diagnosis we weren't expecting from the team was addict. Daughter's history of Munchausen-like behaviour has allowed her to receive many pain killers along the way. When she doesn't have pills she goes for alcohol, which brings out the violence. We were advised to seek help through the addictions foundation here. We were also advised NOT to let her back into the house. Psychiatrist told us that (after you take away all the psychological B.S.) there are 3 components to addictive behaviour:
1. Lying
2. Lying
3. Lying
Pretty smart psychiatrist - he knows her very well even after not seeing her for 8 years.
Only a couple of hours after I posted here yesterday, daughter emailed me the most vile email I have seen in a while. The rant went on forever. But absolutely nowhere in the email did she mention the "dire consequence" she is in (i.e. being deported), how she promises she is going to change and go for treatment, etc. It was all a personal attack on us and how she is going to set boundaries with us! I am not responding to the bait - it's so hard to not respond but I know we will just be doing the dance if I do.