Need Help with a 14 Year Old who lacks Empathy/Possible Anti Social Personality/ODD !

In new here and besides having my son see psychiatrist counselors i keep searching to make sure I'm not the only person with the child like mine! I look back at my parenting and think what did I do wrong without sounding boastful I really did not! I am a single mother who's worked hard to take care of him on my own and never bring men around ! My son now cusses me out throws chairs destroys my belongings is almost abusive he has now put his hands on me as well ! Also caused me to wreck my car ! He does take ADHD medication and Zoloft we see no change ! What worries me most is the son who wants cried when I left room looks at me with hate and shows absolutely no empathy for me for things that he destroys of mine feels it's only justified but deserved! At school I hear how wonderful sweet and kind he is! So how can he be no polar or whatever else how can he turn that switch off ! I'm losing hope and f not sure how much more of the distraction I can handle! Here's no man to help step in .... It's like s which goes off his eyes don't look like his own to me! If this is 12 what will 13,14 ,15 be like ??


Well-Known Member
Hi, Wendy, and welcome.

You will get more responses if you start your own new thread. But in the mean time...
This son of yours is currently not even a teenager?

Yes, it can be a scary age. Especially if there are mental health issues going on. Nurture isn't everything. His biological father contributed at least half the DNA. And many problems have a genetic basis. Do you know what diagnoses you are actually dealing with? Or, as we were, do you just get the run-around because they don't want to pin those kinds of labels on "kids".