New Member
Well I need some more wisdom from everyone here. My son is now going to outpatient meetings 3 times a week for 3 hours each. He is living at home. I dont know if he is really serious or not. It is very hard for him during the day because he has no medicine to help him. He is on probation for six months - anyway my question - he asks me to take him to the doctor to get something to help him sleep and for his nerves - well I dont know if his outpatient place would think that a benzo or narcotic would be good for him - so I say no - if you need something ask them in your meeting what to do or I will take you to the mental heealth place here or the health department or get something over the counter for sleep! He always says no - he wants a family doctor - about one hundred dollars and medications from them - another one hundred probably - last time i filled a prescription for him he took all of the pills or sold them or something so I told him I would not - so what do I do with him when he starts this - is my answer good enough - it is about to get on my nerves again and I know we should have never let him in but I thought he was trying - he is trying to stay off pot and that is killing him but it is killing us to continue thhis = he hasnt gotten his job back yet = he has to see the probation officer on the 24th of this month - he will probably test positive - who knows if they will do anything - he asked us if he could stay for three weeks and my husband is holding him to it - there is a place he could go and have evertyhing taken care of = transportation, job, everything but he cant drink beer there! He doesnt want to go - so what do we do - keep letting him try - and drive him everywhere - probation meeting, outpatient meeting, work, he is supposed to do community service, etc!!!!!!!! This will drive us crazy - we cant do it - so what now! Am I thinking about this correctly