no TV ??


We have TV, VCR, DVD but no cable. The boys do not watch any network shows at home. We watch movies as a family, sometimes PBS Nature or something like that. They come to school with me in the morning & will watch History channel before it is time for them to go hang out with their friends.
They have Play Station in the basement but are only allowed 1 hour a day on weekends. This has never really been a problem as husband & I only watch 2-3 hours of taped shows each week.



Well-Known Member
easy child's laptop has to be off at 10 and her phone has to be turned off and charging at the same time.

YES! That's something I try to enforce. I told her the next time she forgets to charge it, I keep it for the next 2 days. That should be... um, tomorrow. :whistle:


New Member
well i basicly have a tv in every room.i know its bad but its what im use to i can sit in the dining room and watch tv while doing some work and the kids can be in the living room wahing ther movie and my little one george will not leave anywhere without his gameboy he even sleeps with it.he has no other toys cause he dont want them just his game boy.also he has a computer that was donated to help him learn his letters and other things which have done wanders.i dont let them watch any thing violent .i got comcast on demand and they can watch sprout all day long and i even watch it with them and they learn at the time.all thogh when summer comes around we will be out doors alot more.witch will cut down on tv time.


New Member
I did not even own a TV until I got married. I never watched it and never went to movies. Sadly my husband lives on a steady diet of TV. He talked me into getting him cable after a few years, especially when we bought our house becuz without cable, there is not even reception to get even 1 TV channel.
I have only ever played Pac Man, (when it first came out) but my husband came to our marriage with every game unit and game that was out at that time (1985) I still have only played Game Boy, the original gray one, LOL. I played Dr Mario and Tetris, thats it. LOL. I have watched Spyro, he is cute. My son tried to get me to play video games when we were at Ronald McDonald House, but, I was SO bad he made me turn in my controller. LOL.
My husband must have TV on 24-7. When oldest difficult child was younger, she also had to have it on, if you turn it off they flip out and go into some zone----------their docs both said it had something to do with helping them block out something or another. My oldest no longer does this, thank goodness, and now I can sometimes turn off some of the TVs.
Even tho I no longer work, I still watch very little TV, and still do not do movies. My easy child does not watch TV and my son and oldest watch occasionally. My husband still keeps TVs on. SOmetimes oldest uses cable to listen to music becuz like TV, we get no radio reception here.
I have little luck trying to limit TV or videogames, cuz husband is the biggest addict of all..........Never was able to figure out if he is better off catatonic or sucked into his videogames, I see very little difference between the 2 states. He is just as non responsive and unaware of the world while in a videogame as he was when he stayed catatonic for so many months.

PS, LOL, we did not get a DVD player till this Christmas. we have no big screen TVs, no high def, no plasma, no flat ones etc. I did not even get a remote with a TV till maybe 5 years ago. LOL. The only reason I have a TV in my room is becuz my WebTV got moved to my room to free up the TV and web tv requires a TV for a monitor. LOL.