Linda - I'm simply gobsmacked at these developments. The last thing I would've imagined is for her to show up, and now for the kids to go with her?
I can only imagine how utterly sad, frustrated, ... well, heck there just aren't words to describe your emotions, I'm sure.
I do have to ask, though, especially with- the thought of kt and wm in the same setting together, is there no Protection and Advocacy agency in MN that will intervene here? These are 2 "adults" who *the state* is responsible for as the state is their guardian (right?), at risk of exploitation, medical neglect, and physical harm (if not from her, then a la last Thanksgiving). Is there nothing that the treatment teams can do?
Sweetie - I just don't have words. It's utterly surreal.
Regardless of what bologna is flying around right now, the last 12 years were meaningful and important. You don't need validation of that from anyone, especially not her or the tweedles. You did good work.