Now wm is heading out to W VA


Sending hugs and prayers for peace for you. The truth will come out. Bio-monster is under the impression that she is directing and starring in a disney movie. I have a feeling it will have a surprise ending for her.

Hang in there.


member since 1999
Linda - I'm simply gobsmacked at these developments. The last thing I would've imagined is for her to show up, and now for the kids to go with her?

I can only imagine how utterly sad, frustrated, ... well, heck there just aren't words to describe your emotions, I'm sure.

I do have to ask, though, especially with- the thought of kt and wm in the same setting together, is there no Protection and Advocacy agency in MN that will intervene here? These are 2 "adults" who *the state* is responsible for as the state is their guardian (right?), at risk of exploitation, medical neglect, and physical harm (if not from her, then a la last Thanksgiving). Is there nothing that the treatment teams can do?

Sweetie - I just don't have words. It's utterly surreal.

Regardless of what bologna is flying around right now, the last 12 years were meaningful and important. You don't need validation of that from anyone, especially not her or the tweedles. You did good work.


Well-Known Member
Maybe silly, but what would happen if you gave TSA a head's up that Wm is flying and may be a danger to himself or others?

I am so sorry for all of you.


Well-Known Member
Buddy probably said it best. As you know I had to rely on the Serenity Prayer to survive the upheaval caused by GFGmom with the boys. There was no sexual abuse history or extreme violence but there was always a monetary motivation and a lack of awareness of what parenting really meant. You and your husband gave your all. I do understand your pain (although the extreme issues you've faced I have not coped with) and from the bottom of my heart I hope you will be able to accept that you have done everything you can do. Listen to your physicians and try to aim for a healthy life for Linda. Hugs DDD


Old Hand
I'm so sorry that this ended this way. So utterly sorry. {hugs} I can't even imagine. I can't believe that a social worker opened a file that should never been opened and no consequences befall on them and now for this. ~shakes head~

Take care of yourself, as everyone else has said. It's the best you can do for now.


(the future) MRS. GERE
Sick. and sad. Shaking my head in desolation. I can only imagine the depth of your despair...and rage. I'm so sorry, Linda.



Well-Known Member
Linda, I don't have the words that would offer you comfort at this time. I can offer you my prayers and I can offer up prayers for the tweedles. I am so sorry this has happened. How in the world this was allowed to happen is beyond me. I'm sure it is beyond your grasp as well.

Lots of hugs my friend. I am so sorry. You fought a hard battle and did your best by wm and kt - always.

I just read on the other thread that you were headed to dad's. I'm so glad you are going to be with the family. There loving arms will hopefully bring you some comfort. We love you too!



Well-Known Member
My head is just swimming after reading this. I was stunned speechless. I had to gather my thoughts enough to respond.

I don't know what to say...other than it is my hope that those 12 years of services, help, and interventions, will give them tools to make their way back home again once the romance has worn off. I think both sides are in for some nasty surprises, hopefully it won't unravel what you have worked so diligently to help them heal.

Whoever opened that file.....I hope they........get what they deserve.


I'm so sorry. I've heard similar stories. And yes, that urge to believe that the biological parents want us and love us is very powerful. It causes a person to deny the facts. I've heard stories like this before with parents who have adopted. Perhaps somewhere down the road, it will be different.
I agree, now it is Linda time. I believe you are close to certain relatives? If so, nurture any relationships with genuine and caring relatives and friends. Leave an open door, but detach and take extra EXTRA good care of yourself.

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