Yes, totally different school, he is the only one from his CIP class going due to boundaries. One of the kids he has issues with will be there the next year though and when he arrived last year is when Q started having troubles. The one who from third grade on targeted Q and threw him on the ground. He is sneaky and has his own issues, just much more aware of how to get out of trouble than Q. Last year he wrote letters to Q saying his mother hated him and that no one liked him and that the girl Q likes is HIS girl friend and hates him etc. He also then wrote hate letters and signed Q's name. As anyone who is FB friends with me knows, Q writes one word sentences. I turned copies of all of it in. They see none of this as an issue..... they dont get how he is so nervous all the time. He was offered a social skills class early on and he was worried about this kid being in it.
At the high school it is another CIP class but the school is bigger and I already met the woman psychologist and she actually asked relevant questions about medications and timing of things... I dont know her and only met her the once when we did the initial meeting talking about an independent FBA so she could be a jerk too but I dont know.
There are more options for scheduling of course because it is high school. vocational opportunities, off campus things. I have to go visit it and see and that is coming up in the next couple of weeks.
Thanks for the cheering, I dont really beat myself up too much but I wish I could do better here.... Just wish I knew what would be best.