Hound dog
Nana's are Beautiful
mrsammler thank you for your valuable insights. Hard stuff, yes, but much of what runs through my mind continually.......
The caution is only to increase the chances of the grands removal from their parents, as well as minimizing chances the parents getting them back once that has been achieved.
I know M isn't going to change. I know Katie isn't going to change. I accept that. But that doesn't totally kill a Mom's hope that perhaps someday it could happen. Still, I'm very much a realist and enough of a pessimist that I can/do accept it isn't going to happen.
Society as a whole believes that if a child is being abused/neglected all one has to do is to call cps and the child will be rescued. Unfortunately that is not how the real world works. I'm not saying caseworkers at cps don't care........but they are overworked, under paid, under staffed and for the most part the whole system is overwhelmed. Many caseworkers are so jaded that unless a child is in obvious danger of death they won't even bother. I've run into more than my fair share of them over the years........so that it has jaded me into knowing I need concrete evidence before I even bother to make the call. And while I have some, I seriously doubt at this point it is enough to make them move unless I have the good fortune to get a caseworker who still cares about the work they do. (rare)
I would love nothing more than to swoop in and rescue those kids. Believe me, you've no idea. If I had the money, I'd already be filing for custody of all three, and I'd probably get it given the situation. Sadly though, I don't. I'm forced to work with what I have and that isn't a whole lot. I have never been so utterly frustrated in my life.
There are facets to this situation I have not posted due to the seriousness and sensitivity of it. I have no concrete evidence, I have intuition, subjective evidence, instinct, and experience telling me that what has been going on under the surface of what I already know is so vile that it gives me nightmares. I have enough subjective evidence that I know it's not paranoia. Yet without objective evidence cps would literally laugh it off.
mrsammler, you've expressed my own darker thoughts. I don't know Katie's diagnosis, whether schizo or antisocial or just plain psychopath.......whatever it is, it is severe and serious. On my very truly realistic days? I know to my very core that katie is utterly incapable of any real feeling toward another human being. I've suspected it since she was 6 yrs old when she removed a baby gate and pushed 7 mo old easy child down a steep flight of stairs. (one of many incidents) I know it without doubt now. She experiences no regret or remorse for what she does, she's simply learned along the way the right things to say.
Man, that is really really hard for a parent to put out there, to put on here.
In order to deal with that fact I keep it pushed aside, sort of on the back burner, always aware of it......yet keeping it at a distance because it is so painful a fact to know about your child. To have it up always at the forefront of my thoughts is just too overwhelming.
Yes. It's critical these 3 innocent children be rescued from their own parents and protected from them in the future. Were I to post on just how critical I truly believe it to be, I doubt I'd be the only one having nightmares.
Reality dictates that my only hope is for temporary custody until cps eventually gets involved. Truthfully, it is a slim hope for darker reasons I won't post about right now, nor do I know if I'll ever be able to post about it. But these are the reasons I am scared Katie and M will run with the kids....or that M will push her into running with the kids when he realizes her plan and balks. Because I do expect him to balk. The hope lies in that Katie truly does want to get rid of the kids that she feels is a millstone around her neck.
If we would get temporary custody, I do expect issues with M. I not only expect issues, I expect it to get ugly once he realizes what it means for him. Katie believes she has learned to play the game so well that she is safe from the consequences of her actions, and maybe she has to those who don't know her well as cps has yet to remove the children. Regardless, I know I won't be able to breathe easy simply because they'd be in my home and we'd have temporary custody.
My only real hope lies in that Kayla is just beginning to let things slip, little snippets here and there. Even if it is just enough, just slivers enough, to let me know that my very worst fears are not off base. She's testing the waters of trust with us, testing our reactions. If that dam breaks I will move heaven and earth, do whatever it takes (literally whatever it takes), to get those children away from their parents whether they come to us or not.
But I'm realistic enough to know that unless a miracle happens, it will most likely take what is behind that dam to actually get cps to act. Pessimistic? Probably. But I've knocked heads enough with cps in 3 states to know that it is all too true.
I made the offer to let the grands stay here only because my gut prompted me to act. Katie may or may not take me up on it. I will actually be surprised if she does due to M. (who I believe has his own agenda) If she does, a temporary order would likely not really protect those kids if there parents get some wild idea in their heads. I considered it because it would get the kids out of the situation they are currently in, allow me to get closer to them and more firmly establish trust that I will do whatever possible to protect them, give Kayla an opportunity to open up, and perhaps the slim hope of when katie and M can't/won't hold up their end of the contract cps will back me up for custody.
There are moments when I'm so utterly frustrated and livid that the system to protect children is so utterly and completely warped and broken that I want to push this away and convince myself that it is not my problem. And I'll admit to periods where I've simply had to let it go just because it is so d*mn completely overwhelming emotionally and mentally. That it has been ongoing for 10 yrs just makes it all the more frustrating and at times overwhelming.
Truth of the matter is that it should not take more than 10 yrs to remove children from such an obvious neglectful and abusive situation. Cps has had more than enough grounds for removal time and time again.
Sorry this post sort of took a nose dive into the pits of well.....hades. I've not had a response from Katie and she is not answering her cell. I'd call the shelter, but of course due to privacy they won't even tell me if she is there. My nerves are raw.........and there is always a pure white rage that simmers just below the surface over the grands situation and my limited ability within the law to do anything to change it.
The caution is only to increase the chances of the grands removal from their parents, as well as minimizing chances the parents getting them back once that has been achieved.
I know M isn't going to change. I know Katie isn't going to change. I accept that. But that doesn't totally kill a Mom's hope that perhaps someday it could happen. Still, I'm very much a realist and enough of a pessimist that I can/do accept it isn't going to happen.
Society as a whole believes that if a child is being abused/neglected all one has to do is to call cps and the child will be rescued. Unfortunately that is not how the real world works. I'm not saying caseworkers at cps don't care........but they are overworked, under paid, under staffed and for the most part the whole system is overwhelmed. Many caseworkers are so jaded that unless a child is in obvious danger of death they won't even bother. I've run into more than my fair share of them over the years........so that it has jaded me into knowing I need concrete evidence before I even bother to make the call. And while I have some, I seriously doubt at this point it is enough to make them move unless I have the good fortune to get a caseworker who still cares about the work they do. (rare)
I would love nothing more than to swoop in and rescue those kids. Believe me, you've no idea. If I had the money, I'd already be filing for custody of all three, and I'd probably get it given the situation. Sadly though, I don't. I'm forced to work with what I have and that isn't a whole lot. I have never been so utterly frustrated in my life.
There are facets to this situation I have not posted due to the seriousness and sensitivity of it. I have no concrete evidence, I have intuition, subjective evidence, instinct, and experience telling me that what has been going on under the surface of what I already know is so vile that it gives me nightmares. I have enough subjective evidence that I know it's not paranoia. Yet without objective evidence cps would literally laugh it off.
mrsammler, you've expressed my own darker thoughts. I don't know Katie's diagnosis, whether schizo or antisocial or just plain psychopath.......whatever it is, it is severe and serious. On my very truly realistic days? I know to my very core that katie is utterly incapable of any real feeling toward another human being. I've suspected it since she was 6 yrs old when she removed a baby gate and pushed 7 mo old easy child down a steep flight of stairs. (one of many incidents) I know it without doubt now. She experiences no regret or remorse for what she does, she's simply learned along the way the right things to say.
Man, that is really really hard for a parent to put out there, to put on here.
Yes. It's critical these 3 innocent children be rescued from their own parents and protected from them in the future. Were I to post on just how critical I truly believe it to be, I doubt I'd be the only one having nightmares.
Reality dictates that my only hope is for temporary custody until cps eventually gets involved. Truthfully, it is a slim hope for darker reasons I won't post about right now, nor do I know if I'll ever be able to post about it. But these are the reasons I am scared Katie and M will run with the kids....or that M will push her into running with the kids when he realizes her plan and balks. Because I do expect him to balk. The hope lies in that Katie truly does want to get rid of the kids that she feels is a millstone around her neck.
If we would get temporary custody, I do expect issues with M. I not only expect issues, I expect it to get ugly once he realizes what it means for him. Katie believes she has learned to play the game so well that she is safe from the consequences of her actions, and maybe she has to those who don't know her well as cps has yet to remove the children. Regardless, I know I won't be able to breathe easy simply because they'd be in my home and we'd have temporary custody.
My only real hope lies in that Kayla is just beginning to let things slip, little snippets here and there. Even if it is just enough, just slivers enough, to let me know that my very worst fears are not off base. She's testing the waters of trust with us, testing our reactions. If that dam breaks I will move heaven and earth, do whatever it takes (literally whatever it takes), to get those children away from their parents whether they come to us or not.
But I'm realistic enough to know that unless a miracle happens, it will most likely take what is behind that dam to actually get cps to act. Pessimistic? Probably. But I've knocked heads enough with cps in 3 states to know that it is all too true.
I made the offer to let the grands stay here only because my gut prompted me to act. Katie may or may not take me up on it. I will actually be surprised if she does due to M. (who I believe has his own agenda) If she does, a temporary order would likely not really protect those kids if there parents get some wild idea in their heads. I considered it because it would get the kids out of the situation they are currently in, allow me to get closer to them and more firmly establish trust that I will do whatever possible to protect them, give Kayla an opportunity to open up, and perhaps the slim hope of when katie and M can't/won't hold up their end of the contract cps will back me up for custody.
There are moments when I'm so utterly frustrated and livid that the system to protect children is so utterly and completely warped and broken that I want to push this away and convince myself that it is not my problem. And I'll admit to periods where I've simply had to let it go just because it is so d*mn completely overwhelming emotionally and mentally. That it has been ongoing for 10 yrs just makes it all the more frustrating and at times overwhelming.
Truth of the matter is that it should not take more than 10 yrs to remove children from such an obvious neglectful and abusive situation. Cps has had more than enough grounds for removal time and time again.
Sorry this post sort of took a nose dive into the pits of well.....hades. I've not had a response from Katie and she is not answering her cell. I'd call the shelter, but of course due to privacy they won't even tell me if she is there. My nerves are raw.........and there is always a pure white rage that simmers just below the surface over the grands situation and my limited ability within the law to do anything to change it.