Pics of Keyana taken today

<span style="color: #993399"><span style='font-size: 11pt'>Janet,

OMGosh, that is one beautiful baby! She is soooo sweet. I bet you are having a blast with her. I have to admit to a bit of jealousy here! I am so ready to be a "Grammie"!!! I sorta am already with my son's girlfriend's little guy who is 3 yo. He calls me Grammie but they are not yet married and he is her's by another relationship. I still love him to pieces, but I am waiting for easy child 1, just have this feeling it won't be too long! Call it psychic Mommy syndrome, LOL!! :smile:</span> </span>

Hugs and love,


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone.

I have to admit I am smitten. She does make having Cory worth I cannot walk thru the infants dept or the toy dept without buying something...sigh. Now that there are going to be two of them I am gonna be sunk...lmao. I cant wait till next year when I can take pics of them together. I wonder if they will look anything alike.
Janet, She is so BEAUTIFUL!!! I can see why you can't help yourself when it comes to purchasing things for her!!! Thanks so much for sharing the pictures!!! :smile:!!! WFEN


Well-Known Member
She is quite adorable, I must admit! She looks like a happy baby.

You are going to be in for it when the next one comes along.