I was in a relationship once with a narcissistic
sociopath, and he nearly had me convinced that
there was something (okay, lots of things) wrong
with ME, until I was able to walk away from him
and get enough distance to really see it for what it was. They can "gaslight" you SO WELL (make you
think that what you think is happening isn't what
really is happening) that you think you're the one
who's crazy.
Welcome, Shan.
I am glad you are here with us.
The opportunity to tell our stories and receive validation changes everything. I remember how freeing it was for me, when I learned the term "gaslighting."
I couldn't believe there could be a word for what had happened to me.
The existence of that word, the fact that these kinds of things had happened to other people enough that someone had actually come up with a term to describe it meant that I was not flawed or inept or stupid, after all.
You could have blown me over with a feather.
And that is how light and free I felt, too, when I first learned that term.
If you google that term, you will understand more about what is happening to you, I think.
My husband thinks I'm crazy bc I suffer from
It may be that you suffer from depression because your husband has a vested interest in making you think you are crazy.
In a way, you are living like a prisoner of war who has been brainwashed, over time, into believing all kinds of terrible things about himself, when the truth is that prisoners do not have the freedom even to be themselves.
Oh my husband akso tells me respect is earned.
Those words are very cruel words. They are a perfect example of something called "global condemnation." The intent behind communications of this nature is to sabotage and destroy the victim from the heart out.
I am sorry this is happening to you. You do not deserve to be hurt and torn into this way.
No one deserves it.
But you are here with us now, and things will begin to look very different to you, soon enough.
Your husbands sounds as if he enjoys making fun of you, which is a form of sadism.
I agree.
We are the Warrior Moms and you just joined us
and we know that he is gaslighting you into thinking you are the problem and he's doing such a good job of making up reasons why you are to blame that
you believe it.
But you are here with us, now.
As for how you are being treated, I will leave most of that conversation up to MWM and the others on this board who have more experience than I do on this but I will say that if ANYONE were to treat my sisters in this manner there would be......consequences.
This is how a real man sees a woman.
As a living, breathing, very real person who merits cherishing and protection.
I think your husband cannot do that, Shan.
He cannot see you.
I could be a thousand kinds of wrong here, but as you begin reclaiming yourself he is going to up the ante. He has a vested interest in keeping you broken and confused.
He is not going to be happy about your coming into clarity.
Take care, Shan.