Well.....I do know that any thought or prayer helps. Thank you. I also keep all of you in my prayers as well. The older our kids get? The colder my supper gets. lol. Dude and Cory alone - well....lets just say the spaghetti could grow mold. lol
How is Dude? I dunno. I really don't. I think there is a part of him that has to do this trip. Then I think there is a part of him that could do without this trip all together if...I were financially well off and could buy him a nice vehicle, tags, insurance, etc.
The abridged version of life is too weird for typing:
x has NO money. Uncle was getting Dude the car. x found out and butted in, got Dude's # and called Dude.
Dude was a little surprised, but took the call. x asked Dude how he was getting there. Dude said Mom is buying bus ticket. x said bus ticket was not good enough. (Oh - okay Rockafeller - you got a better plan? I'm out.) So I cancelled bus ticket.
Dude now angry with x. x calls all happy and says "when will you be here?" Dude says "Whenever you send me money for plane ticket." x is confused. (what else is new?) Dude explains that when he said bus ticket was junk it was cancelled. Now x is trying to figure out how to save face and says he will get $$ to Dude. (ORLY? can't wait for this) Dude's plans with Uncle were to leave Friday. (I'm waiting)
Meantime - Dude calls to find out how much plane ticket is with no notice. (me...hahahahaha) (Dude - THAT aXX&*#$) (me...m hm) So x calls just to chat and Dude says "I had plans -you said no good - now I need $XXXX.00 by Wednesday." x says "Well, I..Uh...there...I have no...." Dude says "How were you going to buy ME a CAR if you have NO MONEY?" (dead silence)
There is a car lot - and I can get credit. Dude says "I can't take a car out of state with credit due....Mom's insurance won't allow it (good thinking) Again - he says "HOW would you even put a down payment on a a Car if you have NO MONEY??
(me...OHhhh Ohhhhh I know...pick me...pick me....)
Then ....(oh this is just classic) x tells Dude he'll have to wait until Wednesday because (OMG please do not be drinking when you read this) he has to put out a few more girls on his escort service and he has a doctors appointment and will get his prescription and sell some more pain pills...so he should have the money wired to him by Wednesday. I mean I WISH I could insert a

but I'm telling you NOTHING about this man shocks me anymore. NOTHING. Dude got off the phone and said - "My 'dad-deeee' wants to pay for my trip with drugs and who$#%." and just laughed. So I said "Well what did you think he was buying the car with? Hard earned cash?" Dude just laughed and said "I'm so glad I know that Uncle V is the one giving me the car and letting x think he's giving me the car." ROFL
Honest to Pete ---see, you all think I'm goofy because of 19 years with Dude - it started Waaaaaay before that. lol. This man is the epitome of Somewhere a village is missing there idiot. And yet people consistantly feel sorry for him, and try to bail him out of his self-made misery and cover up his inadequacies instead of him just coming clean to his son after all this time and saying...I wish or I'd like to....Nope...he lies, and once again Dude has to be the one to stand there and be the bigger man, or just man period.
Parts of me are just sad and furious - and other parts of me just want to wish this person never existed. And there's another part of me that five years ago -what I wished? I couldn't even type here what I'd like to do or I would probably get hauled off. What a pathetic excuse for a human being.
How proud I am of Dude for being able to rise as far above this as he has - How sad is it that a Mother should even have to type something like that when a person who has such a wonderful son has been given a second chance to be decent and this is what he does with it?