Processing Fear & Asking for Advice


Well-Known Member
Thank you. My husband is the best. I love my kids and grands so much.

If I had been close to my dad (I wasnt and Mother had divorced him long before) and they had wanted me to help, my actions would have probably been different. But...and this is strange....eight years before my mother had brain cancer, she had a brain tumor and made everyone, including my father (her ex and they were NOT friendly) not to tell she had this tumor. So I didnt know about it for years after it had been removed. To me that was weird, but it happened...there was no doubt she didnt want me around or even to know about it. So when my mother got sick with cancer, it never crossed my mind to go to her. She didnt want me to and didnt ask for me and by then we hadnt seen each other for 15-20 years. I attended the funeral mostly to help those who were grieving because she had left me years before...I had already grieved the loss of her. Later i found out, to no surprise, that she had disinherited me. So there was nothing between us by the time she became so sick.

You were so kind to care for your mother. You are obviously very kind hearted.