
I too sometimes wonder about the concept of a "character" disorder...but I also see with my father that there are many other factors involved, including a natural tendency, combined with extreme stress in childhood....as well as other factors. When he was a young man, I had some sympathy for him, but really don't anymore.

I rarely see or hear from him, with the exception of when he needs something from me. Ironically, I have told him that should he ever have a big problem (now that he is getting older...although I didn't say that specifically) not to hesitate to call me and I would do my best to help him. I am disengaged...however. since I am an only child, I feel a certain obligation to attend to his basic health needs since he is now a senior citizen.

He does not say these kinds of things to me and never has ....it almost seems backward considering I am the child and he has grandchildren who he has never helped in any way, shape or form. This is how it has always been: what can others do for him, he doesn't have to or need to help others and when he has problems...it's the other guy's fault.
Not that your letter sounds like you are, but as time goes by it's easy for doubts to creep in.

Yes, I know myself well enough to know that will happen, probably the closer we get to the holidays. Even though I know in my heart I'm doing the right thing, I know it will get harder for me to hold my position the closer we get to Christmas. I guess I'm trying to pump myself up now to try to keep myself more resolved as time goes on.

Thanks for the validation. I'm sure I'll be re-reading (and re-reading...) to try to keep myself from buckling.

I could absolutely wring her neck, but I also love her so and wish I could just hug her up and rock her like I used to do.